Act 2- Transformation Athena

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"I'm still asleep and this is all a dream, I'll wake up in a few minutes to find you're not there," I told the cat then laid back in bed and pulled the covers over my head and closed my eyes tight.

"This isn't a dream, it's real. I have come to request your help because Sailor Moon is in danger and you're the only the that can save her," the cat told me. The cat was white and had brown spots all over him. If this cat wasn't talking to me, I would have found him to be very cute. I stayed laying in bed completely ignoring the cat.

"You are Sailor Earth, Sailor Soldier of Love and Hope," the cat told me.

"Let's just say this isn't a dream, how do I know you're not lying to me?" I ask I pull the covers away from because I'm curios about my idol being in danger.

"You have a transformation pen, use it and say 'Earth Power, Make Up'," said the cat.

"What pen?" I asked, "I don't even know your name yet now to think of it, if you have one?" I was very confused by all of this plus I'm very tired.

"My name is Athena, you have the pen, I can see it from here it's on the bed-side table." I take my head out of the covers to see what he was talking about and the I finally knew what pen he was talking about. The pen I had found earlier today, at the jewellery shop my mother owned on the floor.

"That isn't mine, I found it, it belongs to someone else and not me," I said immediately to try to convince Athena I wasn't Sailor Earth.

"Ok then hold the pen and shout 'Earth Power, Make Up' and we will see who's right and who's wrong," ordered Athena. This cat, Athena was really starting to get on my nerves.

"Fine then, I'll do it," I answered. I took the pen from my table, got up from my bed and shouted, "EARTH POWER, MAKE UP!"

All of a sudden after saying those words I felt warm inside. I opened my eyes and I was wearing a brown and white with green bows, sailor suit with brown knee high boots. I was also wearing a golden tiara with a drown spot in the middle on my forehead.

"Told you so," said Athena with a smack on his face and I wonder how cats can even smack, "As punishment you have to join the Sailor Senshi."

"Who are the Sailor Senshi?" I asked.

"They're other girls just like you Sailor Earth," he answered, "In the team their is Sailor Moon, Sailor Mercury, Sailor Mars, Sailor Jupiter and Sailor Venus, you'll be working along side them as another member of their team. They'll be very happy to have you as part of their team, trust me."

"When I said I wanted to be like Sailor Moon I didn't mean I wanted to be her. I guess there is no way of getting out of this now is there?" I gave a sigh, "What do I have to do as Sailor Earth anyway?"

"You must fight crime against evil."

"And how would do I do that?" I ask.

"By using your magical powers of course."

"But I don't have any magical powers, no one does," I told Athena and he sighed at this comment.

"Look, I'll make a deal with you, if you can do what I say you can do, you'll became Sailor Earth and join the Sailor Senshi."

"And what if I fail?" I ask because I know I'm going to fail at being a Sailor Senshi so I might as well make the deal with him to keep him happy at the very least.

"Then I'll leave you alone and you can go back to being a normal girl."

"Deal," I said, "so where do I go to fight crime?"

"I'll lead the way, Sailor Earth."

"Stop calling me that, my name is Naru."

"Fine then Naru chan." This cat needed to get that I'm not Sailor Earth like he thinks I am. Athena jumped out of my bedroom window and landed safely out onto the garden wall surrounding my house. Athena nodded at me to do the same as him. I had to fellow him this way, I decided there was no other way for me to leave the house because my mother might see me looking like this if I use the front door. I fellow Athena's lend and jump out the window and land next to him. If only Usagi chan could see me now, she would be so jealous of me. ;)

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