Act 3- Naru, Sailor Earth

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Athena led me to an abandoned warehouse. The warehouse was dark and scary. Athena had behind some boxes to keep us from view. There was a big group of people talking. Four of them are male and dressed all very alike in grey suits. They're one of each with long white hair, long brown hair, short blonde hair and long blonde hair. The one with long brown hair was kind of cute. There were also four girls tied up in ropes. I know one of them is Sailor Venus but the other three I didn't know. One of them had brown hair tied up in a ponytail and wearing a green and pink sailor suit. Athena told me that girl is Sailor Jupiter. Another one was wearing a blue sailor suit and had blue hair. Athena said this one is called Sailor Mercury. The last one had a red and purple sailor suit with long raven hair. Athena told me she is Sailor Mars. And standing right in front of this big group of people was my hero Sailor Moon.

"I'm a pretty guardian in a sailor suit, guardian of love and justice, Sailor Moon, And in the name of the Moon, I'll punish you."

"Wow, its Sailor Moon, she's so pretty," I whispered to Athena in awe of Sailor Moon.

"Just give us the Legendary Silver Crystal and no harm will comes to your friends," said the man with white long hair.

"No Sailor Moon, don't do it," screamed Sailor Venus.

"Shut up you peasant," hissed the man with long blonde hair.

"How do I know I can trust you if I give you the crystal that you're not going to hurt my friends anyway?" asked Sailor Moon.

"You have no other choice Sailor Moon, you're just going to have to believe us," answered the man with white long hair. Athena turned his head to me and whispered,

"Sailor Moon is in deep trouble, she can't trust the enemy. Sailor Earth you're going to have to help her out by attacking the enemy."

"Ok," I whispered back and somehow I knew what to do. I stand up off the ground, raised up my hands to the sky and shouted,

"EARTH BOULDER SMASH!" I throw my hands down faster as a great giant bolder flies across the room and hits the four men in the gray suits.

"Who are you?" the man with short brown hair demanded me, who look pretty mad at me for doing what I just did.

"I'm a Pretty Guardian in a sailor suit, guardian of Love and Hope, Sailor Earth, in the name of the Earth, I'll destroy you!"

"MOON HEALING ESCALATION!" shouted Sailor Moon while making a huge circle with a pink stick with the crescent moon on it. Whatever Sailor Moon did it helped untie her fellow sailor senshi from the ropes the men in gray had put on them.

"MERCURY POWER, MARS POWER, JUPITER POWER, VENUS POWER, SAILOR PLANET ATTACK!" The sailor senshi's attack didn't work on the men in grey suits because they disappeared before the attack could work on them.

"Thank you Sailor Earth, we really owe you one," Sailor Venus thanked me.

"May I ask who you really are?" asked Sailor Mercury.

"Yeah, my name is Naru and this is Athena," I introduce myself and Athena.

"Naru chan!" Sailor Moon squealed and hugged me, "It's me, Usagi."

"But Usagi chan is so clumsy, she could never be like Sailor Moon," I said confessed, even if Usagi chan was Sailor Moon she would tell me wouldn't she? Sailor Mars just laugh at Sailor Moon and said,

"Look even the outsider thinks you shouldn't be our leader, you should just quit and give me the job."

"Shut up Mars, you're not the moon princess here," retorted Sailor Moon.

"Some princess you are," Sailor Mars stuck out her tongue at Sailor Moon and Sailor Moon did the same thing to Sailor Mars. I guess it is Usagi chan; I run straight over to her and give her a big hug. I have a feeling that Usagi chan and I will be closer together than ever before.

"In all my past memory's I don't remember you," said Sailor Venus.

"Me neither, I wonder why that is?" wondered Sailor Jupiter.

"You should be in our past memories if you're a sailor senshi," stated Sailor Mercury.

"Maybe if we ask Mamo chan he might know because he's the guardian of Earth," suggested Usagi chan.

"Oh please Sailor Moon, you just want to see Mamoru," retorted Sailor Mars.

"Leave her alone Mars, I think Moon might be on to something," declared Sailor Mercury. Usagi stuck out her tongue at Sailor Mars and Sailor Mars did the same to Usagi.

"I don't get it?" I said confused, "What do mean by past memories?"

"Oh sorry, there are lots to explain," said a black talking cat, "You see everyone here has a past life but in our past lives, we don't remember meeting you."

"Sailor Earth, this is Luna and Artemis," Athena introduced the black and white cat to me.

"It's nice to meet you all," I say and bow, "But I don't think I'm cut out to be a sailor senshi."

"But of course you are Naru chan," Usagi replied, "or else you wouldn't be here right now."

"You also couldn't have rescued us," Sailor Venus pitched in.

"Sorry I'm late you guys but it looks like you don't need saving anyway," said a mysterious voice.

"MAMO CHAN!" Usagi chan screamed at delighted. I took a look at this mysterious man who came in through the window. I dropped to my knees at the sight of this person.

I remember what happened troughs many years ago. I am Princess Rosalina, the princess of the earth kingdom and little sister to Prince Endymion.

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