Act 4- Princess Rosalina

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A long time ago all the planets use to have their own kingdoms. The biggest kingdoms were on the moon and the earth. It was forbidden by gods that a person from the moon kingdom and a person from the earth kingdom were never to fall in love with one another.

My older brother was Prince Endymion, first prince of Earth. I loved my big brother very much and so did all his subjects. He had four guardians but they were more like friends, the five of them got along so well. They names were Jadeite, Nephrite, Zoicite and Kunzite. My brother was the perfect prince, he always show up at royal meeting, was very intelligent and always applied himself to his studies.

I'm Princess Rosalina, the earth princess. My family were very well known for their beautiful rose garden. That's why I'm called ROSalina. I had a cat called Athena, who is like my guardian to me. He had white fur and brown spots, he told me he was also from the planet of meow. I wasn't the most perfect princess, I would often go to the rose garden or wandered around the castle. I was very intelligent just like my brother but I always found lessons really boring. My brother and I would often go into the fields together to be alone from all our dodges at the palace.

One day after attending a royal meeting with the moon queen and the princess, we went into the fields and lied down on the grass. There were a few minutes before my brother said something,

"Did you know on the moon, they don't have real trees or wind or grass."

"No I didn't," I answered, "I guess you and I were just lucky to be born here then."

"I hear they have the most magnificent castle that you will ever see."

"I know but they don't show it in our history books."

"That's probably because the writers of our history books all live on earth and not on the moon."

"True," I say.

"Why can't the people of earth go to the moon?"

"It's probably because the moon and earth kingdoms have never really gotten along."

"What if we change that and make peace with the moon kingdom."

"Now you're just being funny Endymion you know why that can't happen."

"I know." There are a few minutes silent again before Endymion says something.

"Did you know the moon princess has four guardians just like me."

"I thought she was around my age," I say, "she's very beautiful, don't you think?"


After that day things started to change with my brother. He always seemed to disappear off with the four kings of heaven. I never knew where they went to. Endymion never showed up for royal meetings. I hardly ever got to see him. I found out why on one fateful afternoon.

I had the day off from my studies and royal meetings since our parents were away. I decide to corner my brother into going with me to the meadow so we could explore it together like we did as children. I searched for Endymion everywhere his room, the rose gardens, the library and finally finding him in the palace courtyard standing beside the fountain. I ran over to him then stopped half way seeing he was with someone. At first I couldn't tell who but then they walked into the light and I saw it was princess Serenity. I was confused by this but then my brother reached out and kissed and I finally understand everything. My big brother, Prince Endymion was in love with the Moon Princess, Princess Serenity.

My brother turns around and sees me standing in the middle of the courtyard.

"Rosalina, wait!" my brother shouts at me as I run away as fast as I can.

I stop in running when someone taps my shoulder behind me when I'm in the palace corridor.

"Just leave me alone Endymion," I shouted and turn around to see not my brother but princess Serenity.

"Please forgive my manners," I say while bowing to her and then trying to walk away.

"Wait, I want to talk to you, do you anyway private to talk?" She asked me.

I lead her to the woods. She told me about the moon kingdom and how much she loved it there. She said that she fell in love with the earth kingdom the first moment she saw it because we have real trees, wind and so much more. She didn't mean to fell in love with my brother and she didn't mean for it to go so far.

"So will you be my friend and keep my secret?" She asked me once she had done explaining to me what was going on.

"Of course," I say, she seemed like such a nice person and very loving like she could do no wrong.

After a few weeks I became great friends with Princess Serenity. She told wonderful things about her life back at the moon kingdom and she told me about the other princess. She promises to introduce me to them some day. They day never because Queen Beryl found out about Prince Endymion and Princess Serenity.

Queen Beryl was madly in love with Prince Endymion. So when she find out she was heartbroken. She told everyone about the two of them and started a war against the moon kingdom. Queen Beryl tried to kill Princess Serenity by using a sword but my brother stepped in front of her and died instead. Princess Serenity couldn't live on without Prince Endymion so she took the moon sword, the sword that's suppose to protect her and stabbed herself with it.


I get off my knees and take a good look at the man standing before me.



I throw myself into his arms tears running down my face.

"I've missed you so much," I say.

"Yeah me too." Then Usagi chan gasps.

"Minna, this is Princess Rosalina, Endymion's little sister." I let off of Endymion and bow to the Senshi.

"I'll introduce you too," said Usagi chan, " Mamo chan this is Naru and Naru chan that is Mamoru."

"My guessing you two are still in love," I ask. I look up at Mamoru and he nods at me.

I feel so happy at this moment and I know this is where I belong in the world beside my brother.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2015 ⏰

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