Gilbert Blythe

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Elise was tired.

She had been reviewing her music last night for a concert her father was going to try and get her to play for. She longed for the stage. It had been about three months since her last performance and that had been in England.

Even then, it hadn't been the only reason.

Elise had been sleeping for about an hour when she woke up. She could faintly hear it, but nevertheless she had woken up. She didn't think her father was awake so she threw off her covers and slipped her bare feet into the slippers by her bed. She grabbed a covering and ran out of her bedroom and into her brothers where her suspicions were proven correct.

Michael sat upright in his bed, heavily coughing without end. Elise wanted to break down crying again just like at dinner but she couldn't, not in front of him. She yelled for her father before rushing to her brother's side, "It's alright Michael. I need you to lay back and arch you back for me, yes, just like that, perfect."

Her hands held his small body up as his back arched while his cough gave way enough for Michael to be able to breathe in deeply for some well needed air. She turned her head to see her father swing around the corner of the door frame with a glass of water and some of his medication.

He huffed and held the glass up for his son, placing a loving hand on Elise's shoulder. "Thank you, Ellie."

She softly smiled at him as he entered the other side of the bed, pulling Michael into his arms with Elise holding his hand. Michael leaned into his father wi the closed eyes, clearly exhausted. He let out a few coughs but Elise was sure that she could go back to bed now. She slowly closed his door only after she blew a kiss to him, which Michael happily returned.

She went back to her mattress which only made it easier for her to cry. Michael was the brightest people Elise had ever met, why did he have to be plagued? She always wondered by the best people in life always got the short end of the stick, her mother and now her brother.

But either way, she found herself falling asleep with tears on her face.

Elise was so tired.

Nevermind the events of last night, Elise woke up without a complaint. She needed sleep with the practicing and schoolwork she was doing but didn't find complaining to ever help her.

She had put on a white underdress and a plaid dress over the top which was blue and white. She liked how it looked as it made her seem more mature, older. Her hair had been out in some messy braids but Elise sort of liked the look of it. Her socks had been pulled up as usual and her boots were squeaky clean. Even her should-be-bloodshot eyes were perfectly normal and their usual loving but stormy blue eyes.

She had rushed out of the house, wanting to get there earlier than she had the day before. It wasn't her best idea.

Along the way, Billy Andrews showed up. Her and Jane had talked about how their houses were close and that they could walk together some time but Billy seemed to be alone.

"Hey, Elise, you know you're very pretty, I think you'd have a fun time with me."

Elise hate Billy's smirk, making him think he had all the power. Elise snarled back, "A fun time with a egotistical child who will never be a man? I think not." Her comment seemed to make Billy falter but he didn't give up.

"C'mon Elise, don't be like that. Just say yes, you know you want me."

He stepped closer. Elise felt her heart racing, she didn't want Billy anywhere near her but before she could slap him, a male voice came from the trees. "Hey, Billy! How's it going?"

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