chapter 14

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I watched Jaxon slowly melt down, tears in his eyes, I wrapped my hands around him, but he still refused to talk to me 

"Jaxon what's wrong?" I asked once again, finally he spoke 

" I have to leave to Memphis, prolly for about 3 months" 

" why?"

he sighed and took a second before answering 

" I work for crips" he said slowly 

"oh" was all I said 

" im sorry, I should've told you before, I was afraid you would hate me if I told you" 

" naw, its good! dw bae" I replied and kissed him 

" when do you have to leave?"

" my flights in 4 hrs so I gotta pack" he said getting up

I helped him pack and soon it was time to leave 

" I'll miss you Jaxon, dont go fucking someone else alright?" I laughed

" ill miss you too! and ofc I wonttttt ahh I love you and only you!" he replied and then gave me a kiss, best one yet 

he got in his flight and now the house would be awkward because its me living with his mom..when she comes home, what will I do in someone else's house along? ugh I dont know 

the next day I went to school after texting Jaxon. I was pretty sad cuz Jaxon wasn't there, and break starts tomorrow 

" what y'all doing for break?" chase said putting her hands over becks shoulder

" im going back to my home town to meet my dad and henassy" Sydney said 

" what about you Noah" beck asked looking at me 

" huh, oh I don't know" I replied not knowing what's going on

" ayyyy Jaxon will come home soon" Sydney said chuckling 

" I knowww!!" I said laughing a little 

school ended and we all headed to our houses, Jaxon's mom was heading home from school today, I decided to text my mom today and see how it'll go 

Noah 3:45 pm

Hi ma

Mom  3:46 pm 

tf you want son 

Noah 3:46 

ma, are you still mad?

mom 3:46

baby I was never mad, but disappointed 

Noah 3:47

oh well ma, when will you invite me back to your house?

Mom 3:37

rn baby, get you ass over here

I smiled and kept the phone and started packing my bag, I was waiting for Samantha to come home though so she could drop me and I could tell her im leaving, 

later that evening she came over home 

" Jaxon! Noah!" she yelled " im home!"

" Samantha! hi!" I came 

" hey hunny, everything fine!"

" yep"

" where's Jaxon?" 

" oh um, he went out he'll be home soon though" I lied ish 

" alright honey"

" oh Samantha, I texted my mom today, im moving back there"

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