Volume 1 Chapter 8: Navy-Marine HQ?

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Previously: Vice Admiral Garp taught her all he could, she's being sent to Navy HQ to train under the 3 Admirals to become even stronger than she is now. She had a heart to heart with her Sensei and he told her about his grandson Luffy.

It took a week to finally arrive at the navy HQ. Victoria hugged Chase and Garp goodbye as this was their last time seeing her off a long while. She was escorted by a Marine to the main office to meet the fleet admiral and the 3 Admirals that will be training her for the next few years.

The door opened and she walked in with her two swords on her person. She saluted at her bosses and stood up straight not moving an inch. "Welcome to Navy HQ Sargent Victoria." She looked at the three Admirals with nothing but determination to get stronger. "So you're the filthy pirate spawn that Garp raised and trained." A man in red spoke with hate-filled eyes. "Ohhhh so you're the daughter of Crocodile and the infamous Venus Val Quinn ex bounty hunter." A man in yellow said with a condescending tone of voice. "Yes, that's me. But I'm here to get stronger. I don't care for my father or any pirates. I will serve the world government with pride and never give into death until I achieve my goal!" She shouted out with a serious look in her right eye. They all tensed up at her voice and determination to get stronger. "Words mean nothing until you can back them up with actions." The man in red said with a deadly serious look. "Do you know who we are?" A man in blue said curiously with a tired expression. She nodded her head, still saluting. "Yes Sir!" The man behind the desk told her to relax. She exhaled slowly and lowered her hand. "Thank you, Sir." She looked at the man in blue,"You're Admiral Kuzan with ice devil fruit powers." She looked at the man to her left in yellow. "You're Admiral Kizaru with Light devil fruit powers." She looked at the man in the middle with a red suit. "And you're Admiral Akainu with Magma devil fruit powers." She smiled happily at them all proud of her knowledge. They all looked at each other surprised. "What about me?" The Fleet Admiral said, curiously. She kept smiling. "Of course sir, You're Fleet Admiral Sengoku with human buddha devil fruit powers." They seemed to be intrigued by her knowledge, they all thought of the same thing at the same time,"Garp must have told her about us." Kuzan stepped forward,"I'll train you first, just to get this over with." She kept smiling widely. "Yes Sir!" He sighed and looked at the other two being completely okay with this. He walked out of the room and she followed up behind him with a serious look in her right eye. They walk to the training ground courtyard.

Kuzan~"In order to teach you correctly, come at me at full force as if you were trying to kill me."

Victoria~"Of course."

Kuzan~ "But don't use your swords."

Victoria~ "Okay."

She got in a fighting stance and threw her swords onto the ground beside her. She put up her hands. She moved her left backward and got low. She pushed off the ground at full force and went flying towards him at insane speeds, so much so that if he was a normal person he wouldn't be able to see her come from behind him. She kicked at full strength. He turned around and grabbed her right foot mid-attack. She scoffed irritated and sliced the air with her right hand. His grip onto her right foot broke and he shattered into tiny pieces of ice. She dashed backward and shook the ice off her right foot. She saw him come back together and groan tiredly. "So you really can use Rokushiki Six Forms. To think you mastered it at such a young age." He yawned softly. He created a super long skinny ice sword. She exhaled slowly and closed her right eye. His heartbeat was slow and very calming to hear. He was running towards her at immense speeds. She dodges with her eyes closed over and over again. She covered her entire right arm and hand with 2nd Gear Ruby Haki. She grabbed his ice sword with her right hand and shattered it into tiny shards of ice. She opened her right eye and smirked slightly,"I memorized your heartbeat now." His eyebrows raised slightly at her statement. "Hm?" She covered her right leg next with 2nd Gear Ruby. She kicked the air a few inches away from touching his body so she wouldn't get frozen again. He coughed up blood and went flying backward into a Navy-Marine HQ window. She knew that wouldn't be good enough so she got ready for the next attack. "Pretty good kick, you are learning how to use your head in battle." She turned around but wasn't fast enough. He punched her in the gut sending her flying back. She rolled several times on the dirt ground. As soon as she stopped rolling she looked up to see him getting ready to kick her. She rolled out of the way and then pushed herself back up to her feet. She clenched her teeth flin frustration,"I need to grow even stronger. I'm way too weak. I'll do anything to grow stronger!" She dashed towards him as fast as she could run. He tried to send ice walls in her direction, she dodged them all like the matrix. She dashed in the air back and forth, she kicked at full capacity and went flying towards him. She covered her entire body with 2nd Gear Ruby. He created a thick barrier of ice around him, kinda like a dome. She made contact with ice but it didn't stop her, she punched straight through his defensive wall and punched him in the face. He went flying through his own icy dome and when he became whole again she was there waiting for him. She sent several punches his way using Fist Pistol. He took her hits like it was nothing. He punched her in the chest, her chest got covered with frost. She coughed out blood and hit the groundbreaking multiple bones in the process. He walked towards her slowly fixing his clothes. She looked up to see him barely even hurt. She struggled to push herself back up. Her arms were giving out and the rest of her body started to cry out in pain. She used 3rd Gear Emerald to heal her broken bones so she can at least move again. They both heard the sound of her body welding back together. "What's this? You can use Haki Armaments too? What else can you do?" She tried to move but her body felt weak. "Damn it... I'm still so weak. Please, sir... I'm begging you please help me get stronger!" She bowed her head and shouted at the top of her lungs shaking uncomfortably in pain. He stopped walking and looked at her beg for help. He nodded his head. "Alright. I was going to anyway, you already proved that you have guts, spirit and uhh..um..oh yeah determination." She looked up at him confused about why he was having trouble. She shrugged it off and then just as she tried to get back up she collapsed to the ground. He scooped her up in his very long arms and carried her to her new personal room in Navy HQ.

A few minutes later after he dropped her off in her room. He closed the door behind him only to be met with his fellow Admirals.

Kuzan~ "Hey guys." He waved half-assed and then yawned softly afterward.

Kizaru~ "So tell us...is the girl worthless or not?" He said, scowling at his friend.

Akainu~ "Yess. Tell us."

Kuzan~ "She has the potential to become stronger than me in a few years." He yawned softly afterward again.

Akainu~ "Tch...that's crazy even coming from you "

Kuzan~ "If you don't believe me then come watch sometime. You'll change your mind about her very soon." He said, irritated.

Akainu~ "Pfff, Why would I even bother. She's a pirate's daughter, she's scum and always will be in my eyes." He growled at his friend.

Kizaru~ "Oooh guys calm down, stay calm." He said patting their backs.

Akainu~ "Tch...whatever." He walked away from them with a nasty look on his face like always.

Kizaru~ "Is she really that interesting? Hmmm?"

Kuzan~ "Yeah, she sent me flying twice. She's reckless but clever at the same time. Its very strange but she reminds me of all of us in one person."

Kizaru~ "Oooh, I'll stop by tomorrow to see her skill."

The next day~ She woke up in another unfamiliar room. She got dressed in a clean pair of clothes in one of the drawers. She assumed that she was in her new room at the HQ. She has her lucky sword on her back and her seastone sword on her right hip. Alongside her specially made eye-patch. "I swear on my life and mother! I will get stronger. I have too. I have to get stronger to fulfill my promise." She clenched her fist tightly and smiled widely while looking out her window that had the view of the sea.

The door behind her opened and she heard a familiar heartbeat. "Kuzan Sir, I was just about to open the door for you." He stood there surprised that she knew he was the one opening the door. "Before you ask, I told you yesterday, I memorized your heartbeat. I wasn't joking. I have a special Haki Sense. I can hear everyone's heartbeat on the base and I can memorize every single person's heart rate with a face if really wanted to. Everyone's heartbeat or heart rate is uniquely different." She turned around smiling happily at him. "Good morning, Sir." His eyebrows raise slightly again at her abilities once more and how much power she has at such a young age. So much potential. "Today, I want to see how powerful you are with a sword. It looks like you have two." She nodded her head and followed him to the same place from yesterday.

She stood in her fighting stance gripping onto her Seastone sword hilt but then. She sensed someone staring at her nearby but up high in the air. She looked up behind her. Admiral Kizaru was sitting down on the rooftop ledge and watching her from afar. "Oohhh she spotted me already. Haki Sense hmm?" She heard his words a few meters away. "I memorized his heartbeat now too." She said, under her breath. "Sir, I have a question regarding fighting with my swords. Can I use a wooden kendo sword for my second one? I really don't want to break this one here." She held her lucky sword and showed him. He nodded his head and Kizaru threw her a wooden kendo sword at extreme speeds. She dropped her lucky sword and grabbed the wooden kendo sword with her 2nd Gear Ruby Armament covering her left hand. She gripped the wooden kendo sword with her left hand. She closed her right eye and concentrated on spreading the Haki onto the sword to strengthen its durability. Her Haki changed from red to gold on her left arm and hand. "Oohhh what's this?" She pulled out her Seastone sword with her right hand. "I'll call my Seastone sword Venus from now on. So from now on, I'll never leave my mother's side. I promise on her grave, I'll become stronger no matter what happens!" She got ready to dash forward with two swords in hand. Her right eye shot open and she glared at her opponent with determination.

To be continued....

(Discontinued) The Strongest Swordswoman V1 (One Piece X OC)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora