Ch. 3: BBQ Drama

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Two weeks goes by pretty fast and it mainly consisted of unpacking and organizing all of my stuff. My father has been in and out of the house, but mainly out. As for the boys next door, I could sometimes hear them when they're outside in their yard or front law.  I've still been going out to watch the sunset every evening but Jakob has yet to make another appearance out in his balcony. And that's perfectly fine with me. At times I'd catch an eye from one of the neighbors but it looked like they were trying to hard to refrain from talking to me for some reason. I did have a silly thought that maybe Jakob is telling them to stay away from me but that's crazy....or is it? Idk man..

It's Saturday and I'm starting to feel the loneliness become unbearable so I decide to swallow my pride and go next door and do something the old Aria wouldn't have ever done before.

The door opens and I'm greeted by Isaac.

His eyes brighten up and he smiles widely, "Heeeeyyyy what's up girl?"

I smile back. "Hey. So, totally random but I wanted to invite you all to a barbecue and to go swimming at my place. I wish I could be cool and say there's going to be lots of people going but seeing as I just moved here and don't know anyone," I laugh nervously.

"Hell yeeahh!" And then he pauses as if he realizes something, "Oh, um, actually, Jakob is not here and won't be back for a few hours." He scratches the back of his head nervously.

So, do these guy's like only do what Jakob tells them to do because ew.

Two other guys pop up from behind Isaac.

"Hey," I wave to them. "Um, I'm Aria, from next door. I just wanted to invite you guys over to my place for a little barbecue, seeing as I'm new here and everything."

They all exchange glances and I stand there awkwardly playing with my hands.

"You know, never mind. I'm just gonna go-" I turn around, feeling completely humiliated.

"Chill, chill. You don't have to leave." I turn around to the voice. It's a deep female raspy voice but it's coming from a person who appears male.

Isaac comes up to and puts his arm around me and guides me over to the other 3 guys. "Relax, Aria. These are the rest of the stooges. This guy right here is Zee," He gestures to the person with the deep female voice, "And this tall handsome chocolate guy right here is Darion," Darion nods and gives me a small smile- okay, Darion literally looks like he could be a God. "And this shy guy is Alex," Alex nods and looks down.

I smile at all of them. "Nice to meet you guys."

"Jakob isn't here right now and we can't call him cuz he's in the middle of a, uh," Alex pauses and thinks, "thing. So I don't know." He gives me a regretful look.

"Oh no worries. I get it you have to run everything by your leader first. I was also only a subject in my friends group back in New York, so  I totally get it. Well, maybe I'll see you guys around then!" I turn around and am about to walk off when Zee speaks up.

"Woah, woah. We're not subjects to anyone I mean we get to make the calls too." I quickly smile to myself before turning back around to face them. Bait taken.

"Oh? Sorry, I just assumed it given the situation and how you feel reluctant to just eat food and swim in a pool literally right next door on a hot ass day but that was my bad." I look at them "sheepishly".

"Naw, she's right bro. It's hot as fuck outside and we don't have a pool plus guys like us gotta eat. JJ boy wont be back for a few hours. What do you have cooking?" Darion speaks up and I grin at his words.

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