Ch.1: Apple Girl to Valley Girl

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I'm staring out the car window as I'm listening to my "Songs When I'm Miserable" playlist on Spotify. I'm literally those people that has a playlist for EVERYTHING.

My name is Aria Delilah Hathaway and I have just left the wonderful "concrete jungle where dreams are made of" and there's nothing I can do.

I'm moving to Southern California to the San Fernando Valley which I never even heard of until my father, Darren Hathaway, told me the news only a month ago. My friends back in New York tried to make me feel better by hyping up the fact that I'll be super close to Los Angeles and there's a butt load of things to do there. I have traveled to Los Angeles to visit Beverly Hills and  Hollywood quite a few times but I live and breathe New York and I never thought I'd leave.

I have no choice. My father's company, Hathaway LLC, is extending to Los Angeles and although I tried to put up a fight, Darren said he'd cut me off if I stood in New York. I'm only 17 years old and will be starting my senior year of high school, not to mention under full guardianship of my father so like I said, I had no choice. My mother passed away when I was 12 years old so that's that.

I'm in the third-row seat in my father's black Cadillac Escalade and our personal driver is now driving us to our new home. I look to my father who's in the second row and he's still talking on the phone-probably to one of his board members.

"Can it wait? I haven't even settled into my new home yet." My father say to the other person on the line. He rubs his eyes and sighs in frustration, "No, I understand. Yes, George, I'll be there soon then. Goodbye." He hangs up the phone. "I'm sorry Will, you're going to have to drop me off at my new building downtown. I have business there that can't wait."

"Yes sir, already have the location saved." Will begins tapping buttons on the touchscreen and selects an address. "The ETA shows 15 minutes."

"Thank you." My father responds.

"Last I checked, you're the boss of your company," I mutter.

I'm already used to my father putting his company first, I mean, that's why it's so successful. However, that still doesn't stop me from speaking my mind.

He turns his head to me, "Of course, I'm the boss but I'm still human and need some help by some trusted advisors and one of those advisors needs me there at the office. I'm sorry, honey, I'll be there before dinner and we can order pizza, how does that sound?"

"Great, dad." I try my best to smile but I'm sure I'm just making myself look constipated.

If my father comes home before dinner like he claims he will then I'll shave my eyebrows off for a year. That's how confident I am that he won't keep his word. I've gotten so used to broken promises I literally just expect it.

After dropping him off, I climb into the front so I can blast my music in the car. William Turner, our 45-year-old driver, has been working for my father and driving us for 10 years so I consider him to be the uncle that I've never had. He's a super cool guy and I love hearing all of his life-stories.

"You excited?" He asks as he drives off.

"Will, look at my face and tell me if I am." I turn to him and make a really goofy, unexcited expression and he laughs out loud. I laugh as well.

We've been driving for about 25 minutes now.

"We're just about here," Will says and I quickly peer my eyes to the window.

I've only seen pictures of the house but I haven't witnessed it in person yet. I know there are 8 bedrooms and 7 bathrooms, a guest house, gym, pool and jacuzzi. My father already has his bedroom picked out but I could choose any other bedroom I want. I won't deny that I'm "spoiled" and have a few credit cards but honestly, I'd take my mother being here and my father caring more about me than his job over any designer bag and mansion.

Apple Girl to Valley GirlOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz