Ch. 4: BBQ PT. 2

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"H-hey. What's up?" I quickly say stepping out and closing the door behind me.

He raises his eyebrows and lowers his eyes at me. "Having a party back there?"

"Nah, I wouldn't call it a party. So, what brings you here?" Damnit. I'm sounding way too fake.

"I seem to have lost my friends. You know, the guys I live with. They're not home or answering any of my texts." I swallow. Play it smart.

"Oh, I see. Well, that sounds like a you problem." His eyebrows shoot up. Shit! I said play it smart not be a smart ass!

"Did you forget I have a balcony on my room that sees into your yard, Aria?" I could see his irritation and impatience growing.

Busted. I sigh.

"Look. I came over to your house and invited them over to eat and enjoy the pool because it's hot outside. I didn't know you weren't going to be there, my plan was to invite all of you." I tell him honestly.

"So you wanted to invite the guy who you called a jerk, jackass, and douchebag all in one day, and his friends over to your house for a barbecue? Makes complete sense." He looks at me like I'm dumb. I huff at him.

"Yeah because I'm trying to the bigger person and make amends with my neighbor even though you're the one who crossed me first." I fold my arms across my chest.

"Yeah, whatever. I'm gonna go and get my guys. We're bouncing." He reaches his arm out to my door.

Noooo, not when I was finally having a good day and enjoying myself!! I've been feeling so completely and utterly alone these passed few weeks and these guys made me forget the reality that is my life for the 2 hours that they've been here.

I grab Jakob's arm instinctively. "No, please. From what I could see they're having a good time and really enjoying the food and pool. Come on, they didn't want to come without your permission even though it was obvious they really wanted to but I convinced them to. You're their friend aren't you? Why would you want to take them away from having a good time."

He looks down at where my hand is and I immediately remove it. I look at him, my eyes pleading with his. "Come on, Jakob. I don't know anyone here. This is the only company I've had in weeks." I don't particularly like how desperate I sound but I don't really care at the moment.

"That sounds like a you problem."

My mouth slightly drops open. Wow! He's really going to throw that back at me after I just expressed myself to him. He's despicable! Arrogant! An asshole! I feel anger bubbling up inside.

"Screw you, Jakob. You obviously don't know what it's like to be alone. I'll go and fetch your subjects because it's obvious they can't do shit without your say even if it's something they really wanna do. Shows what kind of leader you are." I turn away from him and throw my door open and storm towards my backyard not even bothering to close the door. They're going to all leave anyways.

"Aria! Where you been? It started getting lame as soon as you left!" I give a sad smile at Isaac's words. These guys are awesome and I don't want them to leave.

"Um, hey guys. I'm sorry but you guys have to leave." I look down.

"What? Why?" Zee asks sounding disappointed.

"Because I just got here and I'm going to destroy you all in beer pong," I turn my head fast at Jakob who's standing right by the sliding door leading to the yard.

I knit my eyebrows and watch in confusion as he walks up to his friends who also look a bit taken aback. They all greet him with that man handshake.

"For sure my guy! I'll get the table set up! Do you mind, Aria?" Darion asks me excitement in his tone.

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