Prologue For Her

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A/N: Dedicated to @Dtf720

She breathed a sigh full of sorrow as she looked out of the soot-smeared window. The outside chill brushed it's fingers against the window, painting frozen designs upon the dirty glass, blocking Boo's sight to the world beyond her box room.

The short-haired female leant her head against the said window, closing her eyes. Her world becoming dark. What a lonely existence she lived, she thought.

Her name was Booker Hayze (known to her family as Boo). She lived in a village in the countryside known by the name, The Village. It was a quiet place, nothing like the city she had moved from. In The City (the place she had moved from), the population had been in the 100,000s. This meant constant noise, traffic, neon lights and 24 hour takeaway stores. In The Village, the population was nearer to 100. This meant minimal car emissions and noise, non-existant traffic, no neon signs and the village store closed at 9 pm, Monday to Saturday (on a Sunday, the store didn't open at all).

Everything in The Village was clean and vintage. Take Boo's home for example, it was built in the late 1800's and yet was  impeccably, except for Boo's window, which she had purposefully smeared with soot from the livingroom's log-burning fire to recreate her window from The City.

She hated her life in The Village. Boo longed for adventure and excitement but where on Earth was she going to get that in the countryside?

In Fanfiction. That was where she got her adventures from. Fiction. Or more specifically, Harry Potter fiction. No, no, even more specifically, Draco Malfoy fiction. She absolutely adored the blonde-haired, grey-eyed male. Boo loved the way he was so complicated, so deep.

Okay, that was cliched.

Boo loved him because...

...Because he was as misunderstood as she was.

You see, Reader, Boo had no friends and that is not some sweeping statement to make you feel sorry for her, it is true. She had no friends. In all of her seventeen years, Booker Hayze had not made any friends. Not a single soul wanted to get to know our heroine. All Boo had was a cat, who even then only loved Boo because it was always being fed by her. Her own family did not understand their sibling/daughter/relative. Another common teenage cliche, yet it was so true for her. They didn't understand her taste in music and books, her quirky sense of humour, her shy attitude, her adoration for a (supposedly fictional) male- they just did not understand Book at all!

With another sigh, she left her favoured spot by the window. Her laptop sat on her narrow desk, tempting her to open up a new document and start typing.

She gave into temptation.


He looked into her adoring eyes and sweetly smiled at her, as he gently pulled her to him. His aim, to hold her close and to never let her go. To love her and never stop doing so until he breathed his last breathe.

"I love you, Malfoy." she whispered softly to him.

His smile broadened. "I love you too, Hayze." he mimicked her tone.

This was it, this was what they had both been searching for, undying, uncomplicated, normal love. Neither had been provided it from their families, so both young adults had had to search for it elsewhere. They had finally found it in each other.


She sat back in her creaking desk chair, focusing her gaze on the ceiling. Closing her eyes, she frowned. Why couldn't this actually happen the her? Why couldn't she be loved like this by someone? Thank goodness she had fiction, otherwise all her dreams would all just be stuck in her head.

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