Prologue For Him

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A/N: Dedicated to @Lady_Loki_00

He sat his desk, wondering whether he should embark on his journey. Was he making a mistake? Was this a dangerous path for him to go down? Would it lead to addiction?

Draco didn't care, this was all he had left since the war. His parents were in Azkaban and he was not permitted to see them. No one wanted to be associated to him after the war, not since he had been branded a traitor and a coward. With the Deatheaters either dead or locked away, there was no one for him to turn to. Hogwarts wouldn't accept him back either, so the once loved "Slytherin Prince" was now alone.

Enough was enough. This was all he had left. Looking at his copy of Lonely sitting on his bare bookcase, he knew that Fanfiction writing was all he had left in his lonely world.

Lonely was a book written by a young witch named Briony, who used to work in a bakery in NYC but one day decided to turn her creation into an international bestseller among all witches and wizards.

Many had already paied homage to her main character, Boo but Draco hadn't. He was now.

Picking up his quill, he began to write. The sound of quill to parchment filled the sparsely-furnished apartment.


She breathed a sigh full of sorrow as she looked out of the soot-smeared window. The outside chill brushed it's fingers against the window, painting frozen designs upon the dirty glass, blocking Boo's sight to the world beyond her box room.

The short-haired female leant her head against the said window, closing her eyes. Her world becoming dark. What a lonely existence she lived, she thought.

Her name was Booker Hayze (known to her family as Boo). She lived in a village in the countryside known by the name, The Village. It was a quiet place, nothing like the city she had moved from. In The City (the place she had moved from), the population had been in the 100,000s. This meant constant noise, traffic, neon lights and 24 hour takeaway stores. In The Village, the population was nearer to 100. This meant minimal car emissions and noise, non-existant traffic, no neon signs and the village store closed at 9 pm, Monday to Saturday (on a Sunday, the store didn't open at all).

She hated her life in The Village. Boo longed for adventure and excitement but where on Earth was she going to get that in the countryside?

Draco stopped writing and assessed what he had writing. It wasn't a terrible beginning, probably could be better but it was at least a start.

He let out a shaky laugh. If only his parents could see him now...

...Writing fairytales about a non-fiction girl whom he loved.

That's right, Reader, Draco Malfoy had fallen in love with a book character. Boo was his ideal woman. She was shy, kind, patient, full of love- what more could he possibly want in his lonely life?

That's why he was writing a Fanfiction based on her. This was the only way he could make her real, this was the only way they could be together. He was going to write a story about their life together. Of course Draco was going to be the dashing Prince who sweeps Boo from her dull existance into a life of fun. Who wouldn't want to be the hero in their own story?

He sat back in his creaking desk chair, focusing his gaze on the ceiling. Closing his own eyes, he frowned. Why couldn't he be the hero? Why did he always have to be the villian? Not this time, this time he would be the Knight in Shining Armour. In his story, he would take on Potter's role. He would be the hero.

A/N: Hello, hello, hello! So I hope that you enjoy the first chapter of Writing To You. I cannot wait to continue writing this, I really do think that it is going to be a lot of fun. Don't forget to vote and comment. Until the next update!

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