Chapter 5: Blood

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He froze in she as she whispered the words. "Just be gentle." to him. Draco was so thirsty and Boo's offer, so tempting but he was afraid. What if he couldn't or didn't stop? Were his needs really more important than Boo's safety? The ache in his jaw suggested that they were.

Drinking her blood was the only way he was going to survive the rest of the night, just until he could contact someone for help in the morning.

Draco had to have faith in himself that he would stop. Boo's life was dependant on his self-restraint.

Carefully sitting up so the he was cradling her in his arms, Draco sighed. He was dizzy with anticipation of drinking her blood. "I-If I don't...don't stop, then I...I want you to do everything in your power to stop me. Even if it means hurting me in some way. Please just make me stop." the male asked Boo as he prepared to bite her.

She didn't say anything in response, she just simply nodded, already shaking in his arms. She was as scared as he was.

"Okay." he murmured.

Draco's lips brushed lightly against the smooth, milky skin of her neck. Boo braced herself for what was about to occur.

Then she felt it, the piercing of the fangs. It was sharp, like being stung by a wasp and it hurt. A lot. Boo's immediate reaction was to try and break away from Draco but even using all of her strength was not enough, she had to remain in his grip.

She settled in his embrace, feeling frightened. The female tried to keep herself calm. Screaming at the top of her lungs would not help either of them. She could feel him drinking deeply, he really was thirsty.

Boo felt extremely tired, leaning her head against the male's shoulder. She could feel her consciousness slipping as he continued to drink her blood. "Draco," she whispered. "Draco, I...I'm so tired." his fangs continued to be embedded in her flesh. "Draco...please. I-I'm so...tired."

Draco's canine's retracted from her neck as he pulled away, his breathing heavy. Blood was smeared around his mouth and his usually soft, charcoal eyes were dark with lust.

The young female collapsed in Draco's arms, overcome with exhaustion. "Boo?" he broke out of his vampire trance and helped Boo to sit up. He leant his forehead against hers. "Are you okay? Did I take too much?"

She shook her head. "I'll be okay." she whispered, leaning heavily into Draco. Boo shivered. "I'm so cold."

The male moved to lie Boo on the bed, her head on his pillow. "I'll be back in a moment." Draco whispered, descending from the bed and almost running to the bathroom.

Once inside, he closed the door. Draco leant heavily against it for support. He felt disgusting, he no longer felt normal. He was a monster. Looking up, he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror. There was blood smeared around his mouth and a tickle down his neck, staining his bed shirt crimson. His eyes were dark with blood lust. Who was this vile creature before him? Draco went to the sink and hastily washed the excess blood. Drying down his skin, Draco picked up a fresh towel and wetted it down, knowing that he needed to get back to Boo.

Back in the bedroom, Boo was still lying on his bed, her eyes were closed and her lips parted slightly. Draco went to her side and observed the bloody puncture marks in her neck. He was the cause of those wounds. As gently as he could, using the damp cloth, he wiped away the congealed blood.

This action must have caused her pain because a quiet hiss escaped her lips and she stirred, opening her eyes. "Tulip?" Boo appeared to be highly disorientated as she whispered her sister's name.

"Sssh," Draco soothed her. "it's me."

"I'm so tired."

He nodded, putting the cloth on the bedside table. "You can sleep, Boo."

Boo closed her eyes immediately. Draco watched her worriedly, vowing to watch over her all night in case she needed him. "Draco?" she whispered.


"Did it work?"

Despite everything, Draco smiled. "Yes." he placed a kiss on her cheekbone. "Thank you so much."

"You're," she yawned. "welcome."

What had happened to Draco Malfoy?


Tulip looked at her handiwork and grinned. Damn, she hated Booker but absolutely loved her final paragraph.

Unfortunately for Draco, if he wasn't cured of his new form within 30 days, then he would die.

Enjoy this fanfiction, Booker. Hey look, your name rhymes with hooker!

A/N: Whoa, two updates in one day! How lucky are you readers! So, what do you think of Boo's sister? Do you like Draco as a vampire? Let me know!

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