Chapter 4: Tulip

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He stared at her in awe and confusion. She seemed so familiar to him yet, Draco was sure that he had never met the girl in his life. "Who are you?" he frowned, trying to place a name to her rather pretty face.

"I-I'm Boo." she stuttered.

Her words hit him like a slap in the face. Suddenly everything became clear to Draco. "You're Booker Hayze?"

Out of shock, the blonde male grappled for a chair, he sunk into his desk chair in disbelief. She was here. After so much worrying about whether they would ever be able to see one another, she had magically turned up.

She frowned as Draco turned paler by the moment. "Are you okay?"

Isn't this what he had wanted?

A grin suddenly spread over his lips, freaking Boo out slightly. It was strange to see Draco Malfoy so happy. "Yeah, yeah, I'm brilliant!"


In Boo's reality, it had been six months since the young girl had been seen. Missing posters now covered every lampost and message board in The Village. Milk cartons had Boo's face printed upon them.

Her parents had been hysterical when they had discovered the vacancy of Boo's bed. Her sister, Tulip Hayze, was less than sympathetic or caring.

You see, Reader, Tulip and her twin sister had never quite seen eye to eye. Boo was the quiet shy sister who had no friends, where as Tulip was the life and soul of the party and was infinitely more popular was the boys. The latter had always considered her other half the weaker side. Which may have been true in some aspects but Tulip would do everything in her power to distinguish herself from Boo. Changing her hair colour to yellow-blonde, having completely separate hobbies (she detested fanfiction writing), even denying that she was a twin- Tulip hated Boo.

It was late into the sixth month when Tulip was sitting in Boo's room, trying to decide what she would do with the extra room now that her sister was out of the picture. She was considering having it turned in wardrobe space. She looked at the desk and out of boredom, the female decided to have a look through the desk's draws. Pulling each one open, she rifled through all of Boo's stuff. There was nothing of interest in them, why would there be? Boo and Tulip had nothing in common.

That was when Tulip stumbled across Boo's black, leather notebook. Out of curiousity, she opened the book and gazed boredly at Boo's conversation with Draco, assuming thst her sister was crazy or writing one of her stupid fanfictions. Urgh, she hated fanfiction.





You've already said 'Hello'.

Sorry. It's just that I'm...I'm not quite sure how to converse with a notebook.

I think that you may be confused. You see, am not a notebook. Prehaps you are reading my replies within one but I am in fact a human being. My name is Draco Malfoy.

Well, I am currently using a notebook. So yes, that most likely was the cause of my confusion. I too am a human being (not a witch or wizard though) and my name is Booker Hayze. It is a pleasure to meet you, Mister Malfoy.

It is a pleasure to converse with you, Miss Hayze. May I ask how it is you came to contacting me today?

Well, I decided that I was going to use my new notebook today in order to write a new story idea I have been consider for a while. The first word I word was 'Hello' because that was the first word of the chapter and suddenly, I got a reply from you.

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