Chapter 8: Black out

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She awoke with a slight start, disorientated and extremely thirsty. Sitting up, Boo massage her temple, which was throbbing. Where was she? She looked around the room, it was the infirmary. The young female noticed that Madame Pomfrey was in her office, the light from the small room filled the room with a soft glow.

Slipping out of her allocated bed, Boo silently crept out of the room. She had to see Draco. After reading Tulip's poisoned fanfiction, she was desperate to see the blonde-haired boy.

Exiting the hospital room, Boo hurriedly made her way to the third-floor corridor on the right-hand side. She quietly moved towards Draco's room. Just as she came face to face with the door, she could hear the cries. No, screams of agony. Snarls. Something or someone was snarling.


Opening the closed door slightly, Boo peaked inside, spying upon the scene that was unfoldinv before her. She had to stifle a gasp.

A small group of adults (she cpuldn't see them clearly) and students (whom she identified as Neville, Ron, Harry and Dean), struggling to restrain a savage vampire.


She noticed that shoulders of shirts were ripped and the odd scratch had marred the cheeks of some of the occupants of the room.

"Draco, you need to control your insticts." a familiar male voice commanded Boo's friend, it couldn't be...


He was supposed to be dead.

Boo watched in amazement as Remus Lupin stepped forward, helping Ron with Draco's restraints.

"I'm trying!" the ex-Slytherin tried to break his bonds. "Except I can taste her scent in the air." he suddenly retched. "She...she...she's so close and I'm so hungry." Draco whined.

"And think about what'll happen if you drink her blood, if you drain her completely. You'll have killed the one person who actually cares about you."

To Boo's horror, Draco broke down in tears. "I know, I know!" he paused, catching his breath inbetween sobs. "I need to be locked up, in less than thirty days I'm going to become more and more savage. If Boo comes anywhere near me in that time, I'll...I'll..." there was another uncertain pause. "I'm just so thirsty!" he yelled, feeling defeated.

She desperately wished at that moment she could ease his suffering but she didn't know how to. Boo didn't know how to reverse what Tulip had done to Draco.

She had less that thirty days to cure Draco before he died, in the mean time, he was being consumed more and more by his hunger.

Tears of her own began to fall freely down her cheeks. For six months, Boo had been happy and finally had a friend. Now her friend wanted her blood...

A/N: Draco as a vampire, an interesting idea?

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