Chapter 7: Discovery

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Dedicated to the readers and voters of this story. Thank you.

She had explained everything to them. Everything. Possibily too much. They had to know who she was and why she was with Draco. She had to tell them what had happened back at Draco's apartment and why she had fang marks in the side of her neck. To quote Ron, 'bloody fang marks'! Quite literally.

A/N: See what I did there, Lady_Loki_00?

Boo hadn't expected the famous trio to believe or trust her, she was almost certain they would laugh in her face and kick her and Draco out of Hogwarts.

Except they hadn't. As much as they hated Draco, they had been willing to help her, a helpless victim. Slightly helpless, Boo had willingly allowed Draco- a bloodthirty, newborn vampire- to drink her blood. Hermione and Harry had been slightly understanding about her decision, except Ron. Ron had not been understanding at all. In fact, he had ranted and raved for a good twenty minutes about Boo needing 'to sort out her priorities'.

That was in the past now. Now, Boo found herself sitting in a private room in Hogwarts, next to Draco's allocated bed. The Room was located on the third-floor corridor on the right-hand side and was out of bounds to students who did not wish to die a most painful death.

A/N: Recognise the quote?

Madame Pomfrey had considered restraining Draco to the bed in case he attacked Boo again, but the said young female had assured the Nurse that there would be no need. Draco would not hurt her again. Oh, if only Boo knew of Tulip's little fanfiction, then she might consider the restraints...

He was exhausted, despite his second feeding, which had occured when Boo had screamed. Draco biting Boo in the neck had definitely cut off her screams and caused Boo to realise that she was going to need help with his new superhuman...

...traits? Yeah, let's call them traits.

What had baffled the faculty of Hogwarts what Draco's sudden tranformation. No one in history had ever just turned into a vampire. There were a few possibilities as to why the young Malfoy had suddenly sprouted fangs or to quote Ron, 'gone Dracula'. One had been the the Malfoy lineage continued a dormant vampire gene but nothing in their ancestry revealed such a thing. They were all baffled!

Harry being Harry, had suggested that prehaps he, Hermione, Ron and Boo go and search Draco's apartment for any clues or indivations to what might have happened. Boo wasn't surprised when Harry had conjured up such a good plan, he had hunted down seven horcruxes. Searching for things was basically his speciality. Hello, Chamber of Secrets, anyone?

It had been decided that the group would travel there later by apparation (obviously outside of the school grounds). So for now, Boo was sat by Draco's side.

She was undeniably worried about the said ex-Slytherin. This awful thing had happened to him and Boo was fearful about whether she could really do anything to help him. What if they didn't find anything at the apartment, then what?

Boo found herself staring at the faded Dark Mark on Draco's arm. She knew that it had always been there but she had never had a chance to look at it so up close. She could detect the curve of the skull and the twisted of the snake. The young female found herself shivering, the symbol reminded her that those days had not been kind to Draco, despite what others may have thought. Draco had suffered too at the hands of Voldemort. He had not escaped the war scar-free, his pains were emotional. Just because he didn't have a lightning shaped scar, didn't mean he was unscathed by his past experiences.

"It's rude to stare." a voice suddenly murmured, causing Boo to jolt away from the bed. Draco opened his eyes, his grey irises lazily staring at Boo.

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