Chapter 6: To Camp, A One-sided Battle, and a Journey

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OK, As according to the votes... and my personal preference... Percy will go on his own challenging adventure to get the Tsumukari Muramasa... and perhaps a few other weapons. Who knows! Other less happy news for some, I have tried to think of a way that I can get Hestia and Percy together, but I'm drawing so many blanks, so I have decided to go with my personal favorite pair of Percy and Zoe... Apologies to those who wanted a PercyxHestia story. Hope you can forgive me. I will also most likely be unable to properly write Zoe's way of speaking so I'll just have it so she speaks like normal, but with little understanding of what certain things could mean or could possibly imply, and little contractions...


"Well, Aly would like to take the pledge now Artemis," I state as I gently nudge Aly forward.

"Uhm... Ms. Artemis... could I keep a relationship with Percy? Please?" I hear her ask and I look at her curiously.

"What kind of relationship?" Artemis immediately asks.

"Uh, a Sibling type relationship," Aly Mutters loud enough that both of us could hear.

I freeze up, wide-eyed. Not realizing that tears are falling big down my face I rush forward and grab Aly in a hug with a huge smile on my face. After a bit, I gently put her down. And allow her to take the oath.

Percy's POV

After I watch Aly take the pledge I stay with the Hunters for an extended time to help Aly with everything. While I was helping Aly I hear what I can only assume is Artemis panicking, Hard. I immediately tell Aly to continue with setting up her stuff and ask any nearby hunter if she needs any help and rush to Artemis to ask what's wrong.

"What's the matter Arty? What's got your panties in a twist?" I ask as I step into her tent. Before I was even halfway into the tent I had to dodge a large cast-iron pan and duck as a silver arrow soared over my head.

"Don't call me that damnit! And next time knock! And for your information, I have to go on a hunting mission, but I don't have a single idea as to where I should leave the hunters at..." Pacing back and forth in her surprisingly large tent interior she mumble about where they could go, "Maybe... no, not enough room... perhaps... not possible, to close to civilization..."

"Well, what if you send them to that accursed camp for demigods? You have a cabin there that could easily fit all of them with plenty of room to spare, and I can supervise them until you return." I recommend. While it might not be the best of ideas... it's certainly not the worst. Besides what's the worst that could happen.

"That... just might work, but how would they get there? We are hundreds of miles away." She wonders out loud.

"Well, there is always your brother." A pot rockets past my head, "I'll take that as a no... well I could always teleport them there. Or fly them... I'd believe that they could all fit on Vimana. If just barely... and if they can't, I can just make a few trips." I happily reply, it's been a while since I have been able to fly on Vimana.

"That would suffice. At the very least I know you won't do anything as stupid as Apollo." She comments as she sits down on her bed.

"Wouldn't even think of it," I state.

"Then it is decided. The Hunters will stay at Camp Half-Blood while I go and complete this mission. I'll go and tell the hunt to pack up and get ready." She gets up to walk out of the tent as I follow behind.

Artemis goes and notifies the Hunt that they will be going to Camp Half-Blood, with multiple groans of annoyance, and a small argument. A short bit of time later, everything is packed up and ready to go. Everything is in a pile in front of me, so I open the Gate of Babylon, yes I copied that too... don't judge me, and put everything in there. After a few moments, I open a giant golden gate and Vimana slowly comes out.

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