Chapter 7: The Jouney to Japan

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After a long time, I'm finally back. Here to bring you a chapter of this book.

Percy's POV
As I leave the Artemis Cabin I see Aly and walk over to her as I bring out a weapon from the Gates. The daggers of Jack the Ripper, of which I previously dubbed, Maria and Ripper... don't ask me why. When I get to her I kneel down and hand her the knives and tell her.

"I want you to take great care of these while I'm away, got that? I'll come back soon. I promise." I then give her a quick hug and say goodbye for now.

By the Gods... I am truly done with these demigods... they sicken me. To laugh at one of their own. Their superiors. Just disgusts me. You should respect them, learn from them. Not laugh and jeer at them when they are downed. As I continue with my inner-monologue I pull Vimana out of my gates and board the flying mechanism and make my way to the Asian Country of Japan. It was an uneventful ride, if you don't count finding a second demigod camp in California... I'll have to investigate that at a later time. I eventually arrived in Japan after my casual flight at a similar speed as most airplanes. Yeah yeah. I know. This flying mechanism of mine can and has flown faster than the speed of thoughts, but I wanted to enjoy the flight, so who could blame me if I decided to cruise along the ocean. But anyways. I'm getting side tracked, after arriving close to the secluded and surprisingly undiscovered destination of the now dead blacksmith, I land Vimana and suck that bitch back into the Gate of Babylon. I take a leisurely stroll to the location and enjoy the beautiful scenery of Japan. However, as a Demi-god, I've learned that nothing is as easy as it seems and as I presumed, the Shinto Gods are still here, as when I start getting closer I start to feel massive amounts of mana and Magic appearing. And before my eyes one of the Shinto Gods phase into existence and it was unarguably one of the strongest. There are no flashy entrances or anything of the sorts like the Greek Gods would do. No, they don't need to flaunt around their power like children pleading for attention. That doesn't mean that they won't act like children though... besides that, they don't really have a need to flaunt their powers, simply put, their very presence is powerful enough to warrant respect as their power flows out of their divine forms. The bright side of this is that they don't fucking incinerate people when they "teleport". The worst that would happen is for them to go semi-comatose because of the pulse of power and mana/magic. So they are usually rendered unconscious but alive, with very few people actually dying. As I approached the Goddess, I walk in front of her and present myself with a formal greet of a bow and simple Hello.

"Hello, Lady Amaterasu, if I may ask, what brings you here today?" I ask with the upmost respect for the woman in front of me. Not because of power. Because I could absolutely blast her ass with many of my long and hard weapons. But because I have met her previously when I was younger, and she took me in for quite some time. She fed me and when I would train out in the forest she would watch and give me critiques on my form as I generally trained with my magic/mana and sometimes with a bladed weapon. During my stay she would take care of me like a loving mother would to her child.

"Aww, but Perseus, can't a mother come visit her little demigod?" She complains as she pouts like a child. As I said previously... childish.

"Hn... hahahahahahaha! Yes yes. Of course Lady Amaterasu, it's nice to see you again. But is there something wrong? Your usually just fine with sending a telepathic Hello to me." I wonder as I give her a hug.

"No dear, nothing is wrong I was just wondering why you would come to this place. And how many times have I told you? Call me Mommy!! Hmph" she reassures me calmly and then pouts again... like the child she is at heart...

"Respectfully Lady Amaterasu... I won't call you Mommy! That too disrespectful. What if the other Shinto Gods hear of this? I would have trouble dealing with them without ending up with half of Japan wiped off the map!" I deadpan as I yet again end up having to lecture her. Sometimes I feel like I'm the older one here, "But anyways, I have come to retrieve a few of the blades of the Demonic Blacksmith, Sengo Muramasa. And perhaps Trace a few so I can use as many as I please without much worry of breaking an ancient blade.However I am here for a specific blade. The Tsumugari Murasama..."

"Unfortunately I cannot allow you to do so Perseus. These are way to dangerous to wield and therefore I will have to prevent you from taking them. And I will have to forbid you from even touching that one blade. It will kill you. And I don't want to see you dead" She says seriously with a somber expression. As she stands between me and the hundreds of swords that are stabbed into the ground and the one blade I came here for, on top of a hill stabbed into the ground with no rust present on its metal. With the blades around it surrounding it like a barrier.

"Unfortunately Lady Amaterasu. I must have that blade... not only for my personal enjoyment of having a ancient blade forged by one of the best blacksmiths. But for the safety of my kin. Therefore. I will acquire that blade... even if I have to fight you to get it..." I say with enormous amounts of regret in my voice. Damn it... DAMN IT ALL... I'm sorry Mother... I don't want to do this to one of the few people who love me, care for me. But if i have to decide between the lives of a thousand and the life of one... I will pick to save the lives of a thousand...

"Very well Child... prepare yourself. As I WILL NOT BE HOLDING BACK" She yells as she summons what practically amounts to the Sun in her hands and gets into her battle stance, "And know this... I Will Love You Always..."

That's a wrap to this Chapter. A bit of a heartbreaking ending as I took that last quote from Itachi's final goodbye. But I'll be publishing The next chapter in a bit. I have College at the moment so I will be quite busy with homework. But please bear with me as I continue to create and publish the many chapters ahead.

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