Chapter 3: Scared Olympians and Getting to Know Hestia

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So, I'm back and to (somewhat) popular demand... the shipping will be Percy x Hestia... so yeah... Honestly? I haven't seen many of them so I guess I'm helping the cause! Enjoy the story, my dudes!!

Percy will be getting even more powerful eventually... so if you don't like insanely overpowered mc fanfiction, DO NOT complain about it in the comments. Just leave.


"DIE AND BE SILENT..." I swing the sword down as I say the last two words stopping when the sword is pointed at Zeus.

"ENUMA ELISH!! 1%!!" And with an ear-shattering roar, the red ball makes a beam that shoots at Zeus and launches him across the room and through a few wall a large chunk of flesh missing from his side and burns everywhere. Many mortals will later claim that they saw a meteor with a red trail shoot across the sky at insane speeds.

...Present: Percy's POV...

"Hmm... Maybe I put too much power into that attack... I mean, I know he's a god and all but gods call only take so much damage before they 'die'. Maybe I should've used 0.5%..." As I contemplate what i should have done, I don't realize that Lady Hestia walks up behind me and grabs my waist cape (Picture at the top) and tugs at it for a bit trying to get my attention. I eventually notice and turn around and kneel down on one knee to face her, I'm not bowing Just trying to get to eye level. I notice that her hair looks as if it was on fire, strands of her hair curl up and float in the air making her hair seem like a calm flame, she looked like an 8-year-old, "Yes, Lady Hestia? Do you need something?"

"Yes, I do. I wanted to thank you for putting yourself in the path of the Bolt for me Perseus, although I would have survived, it would have been painful. But there is something I must ask, why do you have so little hope yet so much sometimes?" She asks me, as she studies me for a second with her Auburn eyes.

"Its no problem Lady Hestia, I only did what was right, I'm sure anyone else would have done the same. And to the question you asked. I will tell you tomorrow if you still want to know, and please, call me Percy, Lady Hestia. And honestly, I think that this council is dismissed" I say they last part to all the gods in the room with us at the moment. I talk to Hestia with a large amount of respect. Hestia is, besides my dad, my favorite god.

"I see, well I'll take you up on that offer tomorrow. And please, you saved me from that fool Zeus' bolt, just call me Hestia. But Perse- I mean, Percy you do know you will have to go to Camp Half-Blood right? I don't think Zeus will allow you to just roam free." She says kindly, as we walk toward the hearth.

We arrive at the hearth in the middle of the throne room and sit down, Hestia summons a stick and starts tending to the fire. Its relaxing, reminds me of my times with my mom when we used to go to Montauk. I don't realize it but tears start to fall from my eyes from all the good memories with my deceased mom. With out me noticing my father shrinks down to human size and limps towards us and sits down to my right, opposite side of Hestia, and along with Hestia notices the tears on my face.

"Son, are you ok? Did something happen?" I hear my father ask me as he puts his large hand on my shoulder taking me away from my memories.

"H-Huh? Ye-Yeah I'm ok, just think about something..." I say as I quickly wipe my tears away and face my dad. Wondering why he's here, "Heh, I bet your wondering why I'm here huh? Well I just wanted to know where you got those weapons, especially that sword. I wanted to know if I could replicate it somehow."

"Ah, well, I'm sorry dad, but Ea can't be replicated. It's the only sword of its kind. Any attempt to duplicate them will end up in failure, I've tried, but the material is something that is not of this world." I say much to may dad's sadness, "I do however have some weapons made by mortals that you might like. I have two falchions that are my go to weapons usually. They are named Kanshou and Bakuya: Gān Jiàng and Mò Yé. They are perfect for my fighting style. Created by Gān Jiàng, they have a tragic story. I'll tell you more about them later."

WIth that he smiles, and gets up. Limping back towards his throne as he grows taller and taller. I turn back to Hestia to see her looking at me with a worried expression.

"What is the matter Hestia? Do i have something on my face?" I ask her wondering why she is looking at me like that.

"Ah, no. I just, was wondering why you were crying earlier... You don't have to share if you don't want to but, It might help... You know?" She asks and I start to think about whether or not I should tell her.

"I guess I can tell you some other time if you are still curious about it then." I say hesitantly, I never was the kind of person to easily tell people about myself, even if they are a god.

"Sure I'd love to. Just meet me at the border in 2 days, I'll let you get assimilated into the camp first." She says warmly, shes starting to grow on me, she's so nice and calm.

With that I start to get up and walk out after saying goodbye to Hestia and gathering my stuff I head over to my father's palace, and go in, I ask him if he would claim me when i get to camp and he said yes. So now that I had all my bases covered, I left Olympus and started to travel to the camp. With my reinforcement it was easy and got there in a little under a hour or two. As i walk up to where my father said it was, I am met with a field of uncut grass and strawberries. I walk through the field picking a ripe berry from time-to-time and eat it before coming across a hill with a tree on it. I walk up to the tree and look around for a while enjoying the scenery before walking past it and looking over the hill and at the camp.

"Well, here goes nothing I guess... I first should probably find Chiron before I do anything else." I say to myself.

As I was walking to what looks to me like the main house I notice the stares I was getting because of my outfit. They have probably never seen anything like it before. I approach the door before knocking on it twice and waiting a while before it opened and revealed a man in a wheelchair.

"Hello? I'm looking for Chiron? My dad sent me here today after I was interrogated on Olympus." I ask the man who looked shocked for a second before calming down and answering me.

"Well, that would be me. I am Chiron. And what's your name?" He asks immediately, almost as if he has asked the question a million times, which I'm sure he has.

"Oh, well that makes everything so much easier for me them. My name is Perseus Emiya Jackson: The Wrought Iron Demigod. Nice to meet you Chiron" I say politely. Chiron is up there on my most respected list, he has trained countless heroes for many Millenium, and accepted immortality just so he could continue to do so.

"I see... And your godly parent?" He questions.

"Hephestus is my godly parent" I answer back immediately, and immediately after a red fiery hammer appears over my head, confirming what I said.

"Ok then Perseus. follow me to your cabin so you can get acquainted with you siblings." He says as he rolled out the door and towards the cabins which were in a 'U' formation. As we got there i could see some bulky boys picking on what I believe to be a saytr. So I did what I always do... Stand up for him.

"Trace...... ON." I mumble quietly, Chiron flinched a bit but I didn't realize it, as a katana glowing orange with a red flaming aura materializes in my hand. The Sword of Sasaki Kojirou.

"HEY! Leave the Saytr alone!!" I yell as the three demigods look my way and see me with a flaming katana and take a nervous step back when they see my glare as i march towards them.

"Why should we listen to you newbie!?" Yelled who I assume to be a child of Ares.

"Because If you don't I will force you to by any means necessary and I don'd do threats, Only Promises." I say in a deathly calm and cold voice. The two boys on the side immediately turn and run away. And after a minute of me glaring, the last one runs as well. Afterwards I disperse Tsumugari and head back to the awaiting Trainer of Heroes as we continue to my cabin.


So how do you guys like it so far? If anything is wrong please let me know and maybe give some Constructive Criticism? anyways I'll leave it here. SO! Bye, and I'll make the next chapter eventually. Love y'all! Bye!

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