The Ex vs The Wife.

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It was 5am on Saturday morning,Aliya was awake and ready. She was in the kitchen having a cup of coffee and ready for the day,she was the only one awake and looked forward to the hike on the Trails.
"You're up early." Josie said.
"I'm just excited about today."
"I was surprised you asked us to come hiking,you don't look like the nature loving kind of person."
"Guess I'm just full of surprises."
    Manuel,Julian and the twins woke up a few hours later. They had a full breakfast then got ready for the hike on the Trails packing what they would need heading out with Manuel and Julian carrying the twins on their shoulders.
   They walked through the woods and Josie was surprised how Aliya was walking so briskly,she and Manuel took turns carrying the twins when they got tired and Julian was spraying bug spray to deter the mosquitoes and other insects hovering around him.

They walked then Aliya said,"Let's stop for lunch. I'm hungry." she sat taking out sandwiches and a thermos of cold juice. Julian was so glad to stop,he drank his water and Josie handed lunch to him, Manuel and the twins eating feeling ravenous.
   They took a rest then continued on, Josie asked if Aliya knew where she was going and Aliya said,"This is not my first hike." walking. Josie had to pee and Aliya said,"Find a tree." pointing to the trees around them.
"You have got to be kidding me." Josie said.
"Either that or hold it."
Reluctantly, Josie went behind a tree to do her business.
   The twins wanted to pick flowers and Aliya told Manuel and Julian to go ahead saying she and Josie would catch up with them. They went and Aliya thought, Now I can do what I planned. looking at Josie who was fixing her pants.

Josie went to Aliya asking,"Where'd Manuel and the kids go?" wiping her hands with antibacterial wipes.
"I told them to go ahead. I want some alone time with you." Aliya said going to her.
"Manuel is mine,Josie." Aliya said. "I'm taking back what is mine."
"Manuel will never be yours. When will you understand that?" Josie said tiredly.
"It's not just him I want,Josie. I want your kids,your family. They deserve me not you."
"I don't have time for this." Josie was going to leave but Aliya grabbed her hair pulling her back and slammed her into a tree saying,"Don't walk away from me!"
"You're crazy."
"No, I'm the woman your family deserves as a wife and mother. And I'm going to be that no matter what I have to do." she threw Josie to the ground and knelt strangling her.

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