Intrusive Guest.

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In the morning,Josie was going to the kitchen to prepare breakfast surprised to see Aliya making breakfast.
"Good morning." Aliya said smiling.
"You're making breakfast?"
"If you don't mind. I figured I should help out since I'm here." Aliya told her smiling. "I hope it's okay,though. I wouldn't want to impose."
"No." Josie said. "No,it's okay. That's very thoughtful of you."
       Manuel came saying,"Something smells good." coming into the kitchen with the paper.
"I'm making breakfast." Aliya said. "The coffee's on the table." smiling.
Manuel sipped the coffee smiling and Josie went to see if the twins were up.
They had breakfast,Manuel said,"Aliya, this is delicious."
"Thanks." said Aliya. "I guess those cooking classes paid off." smiling.

After breakfast,Josie went to shower while Manuel was with his boss on the phone. Julian was getting ready for school and the twins were playing in the living room when Manuel took them to have a bath. Aliya cleaned up the kitchen and went to have her morning workout.
        Josie left for work,Manuel dropped the twins to school and Julian headed to school with a friend's Mom who picked him up. Aliya went to the gym and did her workout then went for a coffee heading back to the house. She went to the guest relaxing after a good workout.
       She went to the kitchen making a sandwich and watched TV,she was bored and walked around the house going upstairs to Manuel and Josie's bedroom. She went inside and went to the closet looking at Josie's clothes saying,"She's got interesting taste." taking a dress holding it to herself.

She sat on the bed running a hand along the sheets, she lay down and ran her hand along Manuel's pillow breathing in the scent smiling and said,"He still uses the same cologne." blushing. She breathed in the scent smiling and hugged the pillow tightly.
     She went to the dresser opening it taking out one of Josie's panties, she looked at them saying,"Lace thong? Not bad for a woman with three kids." she put it back looking at her perfumes spritzing her wrist smelling it. "Not bad." she went downstairs and watched a movie.

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