Don't Stand In My Way!

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Maria and Rosalinda were at the market buying vegetables and fruits, they were walking around when Aliya came up to them saying,"It was both of you, wasn't it?"
"Both of us what?" asked Rosalinda.
"You told Josie about me." Aliya said angrily.
"She needed to know." Maria said. "You have problems."
"Problems?" Aliya asked. "In case you forgot,Manuel broke up with me!"
"Because you cheated on him!" said Rosalinda.
"And then you stalked him." Maria said. "Have you forgotten how much you put us through?"
    Aliya said,"You don't know how much he put me through! He dumped me! Now he's married to some chica blanca. And you're okay with that."
"At least she really loves him." said Maria. "Unlike you,you pequeña puta."
Aliya was going to slap her but Rosalinda stopped her.

Rosalinda said,"We know why you're really here,Aliya. Manuel will never go back to you. You're wasting your time."
"We'll see about that." Aliya said leaving in a huff.
"Está loca." Maria said.
"Espero que Josie sepa lo que está haciendo al tenerla en su casa. Aliya está muy decidida, si quiere que Manuel vuelva, hará cualquier cosa para conseguirlo." Rosalinda said.
They went home hoping Josie knew the fight she was in for.
     In the night,Maria was getting ready to go out with friends. She was fixing her makeup and took her bag leaving, she went to her car getting in not aware Aliya was watching her. Aliya followed her to the restaurant she was headed, she watched her go in greeting her friends.
    She sat spying on her watching her talking and having a good time,she ate her nachos thinking, Tonight won't end well for one of us, Maria. But it won't be me. She watched her leave following her and got out her car, Maria was on her phone and Aliya ran to her yelling,"Manuel is mine! I'll never let that bitch have him!" stabbing her running back to her car driving off.
    Maria lay bleeding and called 911, she held her side moaning in pain and fell unconscious on the pavement.

A Passionate Enemy:A Former Flame.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ