Creating A Plan.

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Aliya was in the bathroom putting concealer on covering the bruise under her eye,she looked at her reflection. Her lip was bruised and she covered up the bruises still trying to get over being raped by Dexter.
   She sat looking at the bruises on her legs and said,"I can't believe he would do something like that." holding her stomach. She went to bed watching TV, she was still shaken by the assault guessing she probably deserved it.
   Dexter had stopped talking to her and she was glad he was out of her life but she really wished he didn't come to her room late at night and raped her to even the score because she said he meant nothing to her.

Manuel was in the grocery getting a few things for Josie,he saw Aliya and went to her asking how she was. Aliya said,"I'm okay." not looking at him.
"I hope we can still be friends,Aliya. Move on from what happened."
"I have a lot of things to move on from, Manuel." Aliya said walking away.
Manuel looked at her wondering what happened to her.
   Aliya carried her groceries to her car and got in,she held the wheel crying. Crying because she hated Josie,because Manuel told her he didn't want her and how perfect his life was,because Dexter raped her. Because everything was a mess. She went to her hotel and cried herself to sleep.
   Time had passed. Aliya was in the bathroom looking at a test,she was holding her head saying,"Oh,God no. This can't be. No." she tossed it in rage. "I'm pregnant. I can't be fucking pregnant." she held her stomach and said,"Damn you,Dexter."

Aliya had gotten an abortion,she was in her room glad that she was still early enough to terminate the pregnancy. She lay in her bed and decided to leave, she packed her bags booking a ticket home unable to take anymore.
   She was tired and exhausted,the time she'd spent had been a living hell but she was still determined to get Josie out of Manuel's life,she just needed to plan.

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