"During school hours, you are to call me Mrs. Colt." I nodded and followed her to her room. I had band first hour, so at least I would have her, and then never see her till the end of the day. "Go ahead and het your trumpet out, and start warming up. Trumpets sit in the third row!" She walked into her office, and when the door shut, I flipped her the bird.

I did has she said, and took a seat. At my old school, I was the best trumpet player. Not to mention I was the only girl in our section. The boys occasionally teased me. Oh what am I saying, they teased me every day. "Rissa, just play it cool. Play strong. That's all you have to do." I whispered words to myself and I put my mouth piece into my trumpet. I was only a freshman, and I was already amazing at trumpet. No one seemed to care, besides my old band director.

"Here's the music we've been playing. I'm putting you on first part because the first trumpets are having problems reading it." I scanned over it and noticed that it had tricky rhythms. Nothing I couldn't handle.

"They're having trouble with this?" She nodded, handing me the folder that contained the music that we were playing. I opened it and handed back the copy she gave me.

"School starts in five minutes. Kids sh-"

"Good morning Mrs. Colt! Who's that?" A male walked into the room followed by three other guys. He had short brown hair, and chocolate brown eyes.

"This is my neice. I need you guys to get your trumpets out so I can test you. You and Ris are the only two left." She gave him a friendly smile, and I played with my valves. "I'll be right back with my clipboard." He nodded.

"The only girl in out section. She probably sucks." Anger shot through me.

"If I sucked so bad, then how come I have a profeshional Yamaha Xeno, and I've been first chair every single year." He walked over to me, and laughed.

"This," he asked as he snatched my silver baby out of my hands. "Be prepared to use a school instrument, and become last chair." He turned around and handed it off to one of the guys that followed him. "Take it outside and destroy it. I have to stay in first."

I snapped out of my daydream once Shaun sat down. "Have you been crying?" I looked up and nodded. "Why," he asked putting my plate in front of me.

"I was thining back to when I first moved to Britain. The first day was horrible." Thinking of my trumpet being destroyed still pained me. It was my worst memory. "I've never told anybody this."

"Told anybody what?"

"I play, well I used to play, trumpet. I was the best at my school back in the US. My first day at school here in Britain, someone destroyed it. I didn't have enough money to buy a new one, so I just stopped playing. It was also the day that I met my ex who was paid to shoot me." I looked down at my food and I noticed that Shaun got me bacon and eggs with some gravy. The smell filled my nostrils, and I grabbed the fork and took a bite of my eggs.

"Why don't you play anymore?"

"Because everytime I've tried, I got scared and just put the trumpet down. Plus it makes me think back to my first day at my school." I said after I swallowed my food.

"Well, once Harry gets out of the hopsital, I'm going to go buy you a new trumpet. Okay?" I smiled and nodded. "So now how do you know how I felt?"

"I never had any friends back when I was in school. Edward doesnt count. He's the reason Harry's in the hospital." Shuan nodded and knew that he shouldn't ask questions. "When I lived back in the US, the only people I talked to were my teachers. You can say that they were my only friends, but I never counted them."

"Well, when I was in school I wouldn't talk to anyone. Not even my older brother."

"You didn't even talk to your sister?"

"I only talked to her. She understood me, and plus she helped me through a lot of problems." I regretted I even asked as soon as it came out of my mouth.

"Sorry, I don't even know what I was asking."

"It's okay," Shaun said with a mouth full of backon and eggs. I laughed, and shook my head at him.

"Manners Shaun. Manners." I said while making a funny face. He covered him mouth and tried not to laugh. I crossed my arms, and raised an eye brow at him. He failed at trying not to laugh.

"Stop making me laugh woman!" He stated after he swallowed his food. I laughed and covered my mouth quickly. "You're evil."

"Excuse me," I said in a weird accent, causing him to laughed again.

"Where have you been all my life? I wish I knew you when we were in school. You'd been my only friend." I smiled at him.

"Well, were friends now and that's how its going to stay." Shaun smiled and held out his pinky. Smiling, I placed my pinky around his. "Forever and always."

"Forever and always." He repeated while smiling.


Hey guys! Here's update one out of hopefully three!! :) What do you think of Sharissa's hidden talent? What do you think about Shaun and Sharissa's friendship? Commeenntt!

- DependsOnForever xx(;

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