Eighteen | Rematch

Start from the beginning

Landing a few yards away I spotted a little girl and her mother arguing.

Approaching them, I gave a slight wave of my hand to get their attention. "Excuse me, but could you-" I was cut off by the little girl darting forward and grabbing the carriers.

"Thank you so much!!" she exclaimed, and I smiled.

"No problem kiddo." I smiled, before glancing over my shoulder. "Do you know of anyone else or their animals who might be in there?" I asked, and the little girl looked to her mother.

"The Johnsons have a dog, and the Millers have two cats, but other than that no one was home." her mother said, and I nodded.

"And the ones across the street?" I asked, and she frowned.

"I'm not so sure about them, but I've definitely heard dogs barking..." she said, and I smiled again.

"Thanks for your help." I smiled, and the little girl beamed. I turned, giving her one last smile before turning and running at the Goblin, whom Peter and the Weaver had floating closer to the ground. I pulled out one of the cords and threw, watching as it wrapped around a lamppost. leaping into the air, I pulled, and swung off my feet, soaring above the Superhero tag team and the Goblin onto the roof. Giving the cord one more yank it came free from the light and I walked over to the door to the apartment. I tried it, and upon finding it locked, gave an anxious sigh. Lifting a foot, I kicked the door. It only took a few seconds and I nearly fell down the stairwell after a third and final kick sent the door flying open.

"Hello?" I yelled, and was met with several loud barks, and a loud yowl. Following the noise, I went down a flight of stairs to the floor below, opening doors wherever I could until I finally found the rooms I was looking for. The third door on the right was shaking every so often as if a dog was scratching at it, and the fifth door on the right had paws sticking out front under it.

I glanced out the window at Team Spider and the Green Goblin's fight, trying to gage which room was more in danger. I ended up going to the fifth room first as it was closer to the battle ensuing outside, and the cats would take more time to get into their carriers. Picking up a chunk of debris from the floor I slammed it down on the door knob, breaking it off before pushing the door open and slipping inside.

"Hey kitties, it's gonna be okay." I said, trying to sound as soothing as possible. I ran across the room, searching around for carriers which I found much faster than I was anticipating. I opened the door to the carriers and both cats turned, ran over and into the cages. "Aww... Poor babies. I'm gonna get you outta here." I said, closing the carrier doors and rushing back out into the hallway.

The next door came open with ease and I was glad to see the two dogs were small. Closing the door I set down the cat carriers and grabbed a bundle of leashes from the table by the front door. The building shook, and I heard something slam into the other side of the wall. "C'mere puppies!" I said, and the dogs ran over, tails tucked between their legs. "Awww, it's okay, we're gonna go for a walk and get the hell outta here okay." I muttered, hooking the leashes onto the dog's collars. The lights flickered, the hall went dark, and I was left with only the light of the moon to go by.

Turning, I picked up the carriers, one leash in each hand to kick the door open. No sooner had I cleared the door, dogs leading the way, the wall facing the street caved and the Green Goblin blew through in a blast from one of his bombs.

"Come on!" I said, leading the dogs down the hall. The Goblin appeared to have noticed me, and not two, but three bombs broke through the wall behind me, splitting into smaller bombs and exploding the place I was just standing. I hurried the dogs down the stairs, bursting through the side door out of the apartment just as Peter and the Goblin re-emerged from the building. I hurried towards the group of onlookers and was about five or ten feet away when a metal cord wrapped around my waist, lifting me up like a barbie doll. The handles on the cat carriers broke - thankfully I had already let go of the dogs - and two people rushed forwards to catch them. I sighed in relief, watching as the onlookers returned to their places, now with cat carriers in hand.

"Back off Spider-Freaks!" Green Goblin hollered, and I clawed at the metal cord to try and get a better look at my surroundings.

"That's offensive!" the other Spider-Person hollered as I continued to search for a solution. Spotting a set of telephone lines an idea occurred to me.

"This is gonna hurt." I mumbled, mostly to myself, fidgeting around until I had a cord in hand. The tip was metal, and there were industrial wires running through it so the cord could hold my weight.

"Let her go!" Peter yelled, and I gave him a tight smile.

"I'm a damsel, I'm in distress, and I can handle this. Have a nice day." I said, and swung the cord at the phone lines. In the split seconds before, I could have sworn I heard the Weaver laugh.

The cord wrapped around my waist was metal, connecting me to the metal glad Green Goblin and his glider. My plan worked exactly as planned, and the cord functioned as a conductor, electrocuting both me, and the Goblin.

Being electrocuted hurt like hell, and I let loose a pained scream, though it was lost in the loud series of explosions let off by. The Green Goblin dropped me, and I fell about ten feet to land gracefully on the cement. I threw up my hands, bowing painfully and the crowd erupted into applause, the Weaver included.

"Cat! Are you okay?" Peter asked, and I turned, wincing as I did.

"Yeah! Can you maybe, web this guy up cause I need to go..." I said, and Peter nodded, turning.

"Only one problem..." Peter said, and I could hear the grimace in his voice. "He's gone."

"Well then, now it's time for some answers."

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