Twenty Two | Coney Island

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Tight. That was how my chest felt. The water was murky and I could feel panic beginning to set in. All I had wanted was a fun day with Whitney and my uncle but Peter had been right. He had been right about everything. And I hadn't listened. The detached seat of the Astro Tower had flown too far for this to be an accident, and even as I struggled to free myself from the safety restraint I knew I was too far down to reach the surface in time. The only thing I could do was hope no one else died.


Three Hours Earlier


I ignored Peter's numerous protests as I tried to rebraid my hair like Harry had.

"Look I know you don't trust either of them, and I know my uncle coming along was last minute but please just give them a chance. Whitney was my best friend when I was a child! You might have seen her hanging out with me, she had short black hair, she kinda just looked the same as she does now...?" I glanced over my shoulder at Peter to see if he recognised my description and he gave a slight shake of his head.

"And my uncle... Peter, he's my uncle, you have to give him a chance..." I said, frowning at him pleadingly.

"Gwen, you have to listen to me!" Peter begged, and I turned, folding my arms. "What." I demanded.

Peter opened his mouth to say something, but Whitney opened the door and he clamped it shut.

"I'm gonna come with you to Coney Island." he said stubbornly, and I gave him a confused smile.

"Oh, that's great." something was lacking in Whitney's voice, but I couldn't place it, so I brushed it off, following her and Peter out of the room.

As we walked out of my apartment, locking it behind us, I couldn't help but wonder what Peter had been going to say.


Eighteen Hours Earlier


When school ended Gwen was the first one out the door, chatting with MJ about Thanksgiving. I hurried to catch up, hoping we could get some investigating done, but I was hampered by Ned pulling me aside with an 'urgent matter'.

"Dude, we've been best friends for years, so don't even try to lie about this." Ned started, and I frowned. "Do you like MJ?"

My face turned bright red and Ned's jaw dropped.

"Look- just! Just don't, don't tell her okay?" I said, lowering my voice and Ned nodded.

"You could ask her over for Thanksgiving." he suggested, and I shook my head, trying to calm my blush.

"No, that's ridiculous..." I muttered, and Ned laughed through his nose, shaking his head.

"Alright well, have a good weekend, and if you ever need me to, you know." Ned began. "Guy in the chair," he mouthed, and I chuckled.

I turned on my heel and hurried off, I needed to find Gwen. I had an idea of where to search next in our investigation but it required Gwen's help.

Rehearsing the plan in my head I hurried through the thinning crowd of people to find Gwen and I spotted her a few feet away, staring down at her phone, silvery hair hanging in a curtain to protect it from view.

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