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after four days spent at ember island, Zuko and Sokka headed back to Ba Sing Se. as much as they wanted to stay, their life was there and so were their friends. they entered the house after a long day of travelling and immediately went to Sokka's room to rest. they woke up after a nap a few hours later, hearing some noise coming from the kitchen.
"what is that?" Zuko asked with his raspy voice, rubbing his eyes.
"it sounds like Katara is cooking with someone. i can hear talking."
"it doesn't sound like Aang or Toph."
they got out of bed and went to the kitchen. Sokka's jaw dropped to the floor.
"Sokka!" she came running at him.
"Suki?" he said, her already in his arms hugging him.
Zuko felt his heart ache, why was Suki here?
"why- wha- what are you doing here?" Sokka asked, his face completely red.
"i came to visit for a bit. i missed the place. how are you?" she said, a huge smile on her face.
"i- uh i'm- i'm GREAT!" he exaggerated, giving her a thumbs up.
"Suki, Zuko, can you guys check on the pots me and Sokka need to talk." Katara said, seeing her brother like he was stuck in a life threatening situation.
she took Sokka appart to her on and closed the door behind them as Sokka sat on the bed.
"where's Aang and Toph?" Sokka asked.
"they're out for groceries we were out on some things." she said sitting down next to Sokka.
"when did Suki get here?" he pointed toward the door.
"not long after you guys came back. i'm so sorry i didn't tell you i didn't know she was coming so soon and i thought you were gonna be away with Zuko." she explained.
Sokka took a deep breath.
"it's alright Katara. but i don't hate Suki, we're on great terms! you didn't have to hide it from me."
"but... if you're dating Zuko-"
"it's fine. we're friends me and her."
"are you sure...?" Katara raised an eyebrow.
"yup, a hundred percent."
Katara let out a little sigh.
"how was your trip with Zuko?" she asked.
"it went amazing! i really love him Katara." he blushed a bit.
"i'm happy for you Sokka. you deserve it." she said taking his hand, "now we should maybe go and help them make diner before they burn the whole place down."
they hugged and went to the kitchen where an awkward silence had been set. Katara went back to the pots and Sokka, Zuko and Suki went to sit in the living room.
"so um... Suki. how long will you be staying with us?" Sokka asked.
"i don't know. maybe a little bit less than a month. around two or three weeks i'd say." she answered.
Zuko crossed his arms, frowning.
"and where are you staying?" Sokka said.
"here. Katara said i could use her room."
thank god she's not sleeping in Sokka's bed, Zuko thought to himself.
"well that's cool!" Sokka said, a bright smile on his face.
Aang and Toph came back at this instant, a few minutes later they went to eat, Suki taking back her place next to Sokka. no one said anything about it, even tho they knew Zuko was probably fuming. well everyone except Suki. diner was over and Aang proposed to play a card game which could be played in teams and since they were now six, there could be three teams of two. Aang picked Katara, of course, and as Sokka was about to choose Zuko, Suki grabbed his hand and said that they were a team, leaving Zuko with Toph.
"but Toph is blind! how am i even going to play?!" Zuko yield.
"calm down Zuzu," Toph said, "i won't be playing, i'll just watch."
"but you can't even-! ugh! and so what? i'm going to my room." Zuko said angrily and left the room.
"wow, someone is angry." Suki said.
"tell me about it." Toph replied.
Sokka hesitated, should i check on him? no. it would be too suspicious. why shouldn't Suki know? she's my friend after all. is she?
"Sokka!" Katara said, "spirits! we're you lost? draw your first card."
"um sure." he said, his voice non assurant.
after this game, i'll go check on him. it's nothing... i'm sure he's fine.
they finished the first round and Sokka called it quits, pretending he was sleepy.
"goodnight everyone! and uh... do not go in my room! it'll disturb my sleep schedule." he then quickly left the room to go join Zuko.

he didn't mind knocking on the door, Zuko was in his bed sleeping.
"Zuko? baby are you sleeping?" Sokka said quietly.
"mmmh? what."
Sokka went to sit on the bed, next to were his boyfriend was laying.
"are you okay?" he gently put down his hand on Zuko's shoulder.
"no i'm not." Zuko said rudely.
"what's wrong then?"
"i don't know. i'm tired. goodnight." he dryly said, pulling his blanket over his shoulder, pushing away Sokka's hand.
"Zuko i just came in to check on you! you don't have to be so fucking rude!" Sokka said, getting up, "i'm leaving. come and talk to me when you're not feeling tired anymore." and Sokka when to his room.
he fixed the ceiling. why was Zuko acting so rude all of a sudden?
pff it's whatever, he'll come to it.
and he fell asleep.

the next morning, he woke up and directly went to the kitchen to find everyone sitting at the table, but Zuko.
"where's Zuko?" he asked.
"good morning to you too dear brother. i don't know where Zuko is." Katara said.
"oh okay." he sat down and grabbed a fruit.
"so... what are you doing today Sokka?" Suki asked.
"nothing planned." he said biting into his banana.
"do you wanna go to Iroh's tea shop like we used to?"
Aang almost choked on his smoothie and Katara's eyes became as big as two gold pieces, Toph was trying to contain her laugh.
"i- um... errrrhm." Sokka turned red.
"we could go with you!" Aang saved Sokka, "why not me, Katara, Toph and you guys!"
"yea! yes! great idea!" Sokka made a half believable smile.
"okay... i just hoped it could be just us two, like before i left." Suki said, looking down.
"yeah... or we could all hang out! like before you left too!" Sokka tried to encourage Suki.
"yeah i guess that's fine." she said quietly.

"i can't believe it she's back! and she's going to take Sokka away from me! i know it!" Zuko said, walking around the back shop  meanwhile Iroh was sitting down, sipping on his tea.
"Zuko... you can't blame her for trying to get back with Sokka. she obviously still like him and she doesn't know you two are a thing." he said.
"and i don't want her to know either!"
"and why that?" he sipped on his tea again.
"because! i don't know how she'll react and i don't want too many people to know about this." Zuko said, still walking in circles.
"it's up to you, but you can't be mad at Suki for making a move."
"ugh it's whatever. i just hope Sokka doesn't leave me to go back to Suki."
"i don't think he will, he truly loves you Zuko. and believe me when i say that." Iroh got up and they both walked back to the main room where the customers were sitting and chatting.
someone opened the door and entered the shop. it was Sokka and Suki. we're they back together already? and he didn't even mind telling me about it. i guess uncle was wrong, Sokka would definitely go back to Suki after all.
Zuko thought to himself. how could he have been so foolish? of course he was expecting it, since she arrived Zuko was more irritated toward her and Sokka. the way she was looking at him, touching him. he didn't like that. of course she wasn't over him, it's Sokka. he's perfect, a lady's man. always making one or two fall for him wherever he went, so it wasn't a surprise that she wasn't over him.
they were followed by the rest of the Gaang, to Zuko's surprise.
maybe i thought too fast.
Sokka noticed him standing there like a fish and rapidly went to him.
"Zuko here you are!" he touched his shoulder, "i was wondering where you were."
"what do you care? go and join Suki already." Zuko, looked away. he was expecting a cold, dry answer from Sokka, to which he got proved wrong.
"Zuko, i don't want Suki." Sokka tried to get Zuko's eyes, but they were covered by his rapidly growing dark hair.
"are you sure?"
"of course., why would i when i have you?" he confirmed.
Zuko smiled and looked back at Sokka who gave him back a warm smile.
"wanna join us at the booth? there's always a place for you y'know." Sokka asked, pointing his thumb where the others were sitting.
"of course." Zuko nodded and they went to sit at the booth.
they sat next to each other, Suki in front of Sokka. Zuko didn't like the way she was looking at him, he knew what she could be thinking about, he had experienced it himself. he knew she wanted his laugh, his jokes, his touch. and he hated it, because even if Sokka confirmed to him thousands of times how much he loved him, deep down he knew he could go back to Suki in an instant.

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