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almost three weeks had passed since then and each day Sokka would sneak into  Zuko's room to do the same usual thing, hugging and kissing. and both of them enjoyed it. Sokka didn't feel alone anymore, so did Zuko. they went to work and still spent time with the others, however they couldn't wait for the night to come.

it was a normal day, Zuko was out with Aang, doing important people's things, Toph wasn't at home, surprisingly. she was rarely at home these days and it worried everyone. it was only Sokka and Katara in the house. she was with him in the living room, painting her nails with some clear nail polish.
Sokka was replaying a few words that she said to him when he went for advice. "have you guys been on a date yet?" the thing is, they never did. going to work and hanging out secretly at night wasn't really what Sokka would call a date. but he wanted to take Zuko on a date, and very soon. the thing was, he didn't know what to do. dates with Suki were rather simple, going to get tea, walk around Ba Sing Se, playing games and other stuff like that. however he wanted to take Zuko on something more. so he asked Katara for advice.
"hey Katara?"
"mmmh?" she said concentrating on her nails.
"so remember that... um girl, from last time we talked about my love life?"
"yes and i've been confused ever since." she didn't bother taking off her eyes from her almost done nails.
Sokka continued, "well um... let's just say i wanna take her on a date," she looked up, "do you have any activities you'd recommend?"
Katara thought for a moment.
"yes, there's this little place not that far from here that me and Aang went not long ago."
"is there a lot of people there?"
Katara raised an eyebrow. this was an unusual question.
"why? are you ashamed of her?"
"no it's not like that it's just that umm, i want it to be a little bit more, private?" he couldn't believe was he just said, that was the worst excuse he ever came up with.
Katara let it slide, but kept it in mind.
"okay well there tends to be people... but there is the other place outside of the city you can take the train," she said blowing on her nails, "there's little plains and trees. not many people go there, i mean i haven't seen anyone at least."
"thank you!" he said smiling.
"you're welcome... but you're confusing me."

Zuko and Aang came back home later that day. Toph was back home earlier than usual and Katara was teaching Sokka how to cook some food.
"hello everyone." Aang said, trying not to look too tired after his long day.
"well well, if it isn't avatar Twinkle toes and firelord Zuzu." Toph said.
Zuko crashed on the couch, next to Toph. he was exhausted.
"ugh!! i'm sick of this firelord thing! there's so many things to do." he said, shoving his face in his hands.
"is it really that hard? you're the big boss you can literally do anything." Toph said.
"even after a year the fire nation still has to repay for the damages done to the earth kingdom and the water tribes." he said, looking at the ground, "and it's so hard trying to get everyone on the same page."
"honestly Zuko i think you're doing great." Aang said, sitting on the other couch.
Zuko didn't answer. Katara called for diner and they later all went to bed, too tired to do play a board game or anything.

Zuko came into Sokka's room, who was drawing something.
"Sokka?" he said.
Sokka jumped, and hid the drawing.
"oh hey Zuko. didn't see you there."
"what are you hiding?" he said, pointing out the drawing Zokka was trying to hide.
"it's nothing. nothing," Sokka said blushing, "so um what are you doing here? i was gonna to go to your room later."
Zuko sat on the bed and took a deep breath.
"i just need to talk." he said, looking at his feet.
"go ahead." Sokka said, still sitting at his desk but looking at him.
"i- i'm just so tired. this firelord thing is so much work. people can't seem to get along, and i'm trying to make it work i'm trying to undo what my father and grandfather brought to the world but it's impossible. i can't give back a hundred years lost."
Sokka sat next to Zuko, he kept listening.
"i just- am i even good enough for this? i feel like every decision i make i can't seem to make the right one. i'm trying to make everyone happy yet it's so, so hard." he let out a sigh, "should i even be the firelord? do i really deserve that place? i don't even know Sokka and i'm so lost."
Sokka put his hand on Zuko's shoulder.
"Zuko, you're meant to be the firelord, and not only by blood, but also because you deserve it. you went through so much and your only goal is to bring peace and give back. you won't be able to make everyone happy but i'm sure you're already doing amazing. and all that in only one year." Sokka looked into Zuko's eyes.
"thank you Sokka. i appreciate it." he said, half smiling. his speech was convincing, however Zuko still didn't like the position he was in.
"since we're not working tomorrow, i thought we could do an activity?" Sokka asked Zuko which looked at him back, raising an eyebrow.
"in order to get your mind off this, i thought it would be fun." Sokka tried to convince him.
"where?" Zuko asked, he didn't want people to recognize him. of course Sokka wasn't this clueless.
"it's outside of town, we can take the train and then we go to this place with plains and trees."
how did Sokka know all of that? but Zuko didn't bother asking the question, whatever. he just wanted to spend time with Sokka, without people recognizing him.
"sounds fine to me." he looked at Sokka who smiled and kissed him on the cheek.
"so do you wanna sleep here?" Sokka said.
Zuko shook his head in agreement.

Sokka's bed was a lot bigger than Zuko's. so they would have more place to sleep. yet they slept close to each other, Zuko's head laying on Sokka's chest, his arm holding his waist. Sokka was playing in Zuko's dark hair. they were growing very fast, but he would usually cut them. he wasn't ready for longer hair yet.

the next day when Zuko woke up, he was alone in Sokka's bed, wondering where he had gotten. he noticed an unusual smell coming from the kitchen.
he got up and went to the smell only to find Sokka cooking and singing to himself.
"Zuko and i, going on a date. uh what rhymes with date? ate?"
"very cute song." Zuko interrupted. Sokka turned around.
"good morning!!" he, said smiling. his smile brighter than the sun, "Katara and Aang are out for the day and Toph is, well, out again."
"oh so it's just us two?" Zuko said, still a bit sleepy.
"yup." Sokka said, going back to his pots.
Zuko smiled. it was the biggest smile he let out in the past months. he went behind Sokka and hugged him, putting his head on his shoulder.
"what are you cooking?" he asked.
"somethings for our activity, Katara showed me how to make some stuff." Sokka said proudly.
Zuko kissed Sokka's neck, up to his ear. he usually wasn't very demonstrative with his expressions, but today was different. he was happy Sokka was doing something for him.
"woah mister is getting a little touchy." Sokka giggled.
he turned around and kissed him. he cupped Zuko's jaw with his hands, like he usually does and Zuko was holding his hips. the kiss lasted for quite a long time before Sokka pulled back.
"i don't want this to stop but you should go get ready for the activity or else it's going to be too late." he smiled.
Zuko kissed him again and went to get dressed.
i have to do something for him.
he put on casual clothes and went back to the kitchen. Sokka was holding a little basket with the food inside of it.
"you look nice." Sokka said, blushing a little.
"you too." Zuko said back.

they walked to the train station, Sokka doing his usual big talk and Zuko never letting his eyes off him. they took the train, and no little to no words were said, they were just looking at eachother, wanting to hold hands. when arrived at their stop, only them got out of the train. they walked to the spot, Sokka following Katara's directions that she had told him earlier this morning. he had them written down also, but it was still fresh in his memory. Zuko followed, looking around. it was very pretty, there was only a few houses and a lot of green. they entered the "forrest" and found a spot where they could sit down. Sokka unfolded a tablecloth and they both sat on it. Sokka got the food out of the basket.
"here! it's all pretty and nice." he said, looking at Zuko.
Zuko smiled, looking at what Sokka did for him.
"thank you." he said, looking at Sokka.
"what do you mean thank you?" he replied.
"for doing this."
"it's nothing Zuko, i appreciate you a lot and i wanted to show it to you." Sokka said, looking at the ground.
Zuko kissed his cheek and they started eating what Sokka had prepared. surprisingly, it wasn't that bad. after all Katara showed him how to cook it and Katara cooked amazing meals, but Sokka really outdid himself.
"you did great." Zuko said, rubbing his neck.
"thanks, i- i brought something," Sokka said shyly, "it's a drawing, you kinda saw it yesterday but i finished it this morning." he handed it to Zuko.
it was him and Sokka on the plains, and there was a little rainbow in the corner of the drawing. Zuko looked up to Sokka.
"do you like it? i know it isn't my best bu-" he was interrupted by Zuko jumping in his arms, hugging him.
"i love it. thank you." Zuko said, he was warm.
they spent the rest of the afternoon playing around in the grass and picking flowers to put in each other's hair. and for the first time, they held hands.
"i don't want to leave but... maybe we should head
home." Zuko said, laying on the ground, his head on Sokka's chest. they were looking at the clouds, Sokka playing in Zuko's hair.
"you're right, it's going to be pretty dark soon." Sokka said, giving Zuko a small kiss.
they packed everything up and headed back home.

A little rainbow [ZUKKA]Where stories live. Discover now