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disclaimer: this chapter contains light smut

Zuko was packing up their few bags with clothes for the next couples of days they would be spending away. Sokka was taking some ingredients in order to cook while being in the house. they then met in the living room, dropping down their quite heavy bags.
"ready?" Zuko said.
"of course." Sokka responded.
Zuko went outside and made a hand gesture to his chauffeur who rapidly went inside to take their bags and put them in their carriage. the carriage was quite large for only two people, and usually it was only Zuko who would use it to go his meetings. they then dropped off to the train station where they took the train to their almost final destination, a place where they could use Zuko's private barge to go to Ember Island. they were alone on the barge for a total of almost thirty minutes, most of their time was spent making out.

arrived to the beach house, they were surprised to see how clean it was.
"i'll make sure to tip the maids an extra." Zuko thought.
the house was quite big, they picked the biggest room to sleep in. too exhausted by the long process of travelling to be able to do anything, they laid on the huge bed. Sokka looked at Zuko who was closing his eyes and breathing heavily, like he tried to remember something.
"are you okay?" he asked, concerned.
Zuko took a deep breath and rolled over, laying on his side, facing Sokka.
"yea... it's just so weird to come back here after all this time. last time i was here it was before the fight with my father and way before that i came here with Mai." the firebender said, playing with the silky bedsheets.
"does it bother you to be here?" Sokka asked, he kinda felt bad now. he didn't want to put Zuko in any uncomfortable position.
"no, i'm okay with it. because you're here." Zuko said, cupping Sokka's jaw, looking into the boy's blue eyes.
Sokka smiled, he had one question in mind however. it was risky to ask, but it was burning his tongue.
"Zuko... did you really love Mai?" he spit out.
Zuko wasn't expecting this question. why? he took a split second to answer.
"i loved her yes, but it never was like you and me. our relationship was so... different from the one i have with you." he said calmly, laying back his eyes on the bedsheet, like ashamed of something.
"what do you mean, different?" Sokka asked, intrigued.
"i guess i just... wasn't really into her."
"but you just told me you loved her." Sokka questioned.
"i did... i guess just not in that way." he sighed.
Sokka fell silent, Zuko started talking again.
"and i just now realize how different it is. with her it- i felt alright. i can't lie there was some better moments, but..." he struggled, "i guess we were just too similar. but it's so different with you, it's just everything about what you are... i love it," Zuko didn't quit looking down, "you complete me so well... it's the way you make me feel good each and every moment i spend with you is worth it. i never felt that with anyone else. ever."
Sokka took Zuko's hand and kissed him. this was a long, tender kiss that could translate to "i love you" in thousands of languages. Sokka then pulled out with a smile, looking into Zuko's eyes who looked like they were full of glitters. Zuko pulled into a kiss again, this time more heated. Zuko went on top of Sokka, removing his own shirt, then Sokka's.

the next morning, Zuko got dragged from his sleep by the beams of the sun through the window. Sokka was sleeping on his bare chest, little snores coming out from his mouth. he ran his fingers through Sokka's hair which weren't put in a bun. he wished Sokka would let his hair fall down more often, not that he didn't like the bun. he just liked Sokka's hair a lot, especially down. last night had been great, they spent the rest of the night pretty much just talking. even if they were kind of exhausted, they liked the presence of each other so it didn't really matter to them. they ended up falling asleep in each other's arms. Zuko was warming up Sokka, and he was cooling down Zuko.
Sokka woke up not long after him, a silly look on his face. he tightened is grip on Zuko's waist.
"i can barely breathe Sokka."
"sorry." he let go, "so how'd you sleep?"
"pretty great, you?"
"good. i'm hungry, i should make us something to eat." and Sokka got off the bed, putting on his underwear and walked to the kitchen where he started looking at the ingredients he brought in order to make breakfast. Zuko followed, not long after.
"what are you gonna cook?" he said, leaning on the counter looking at his muscular boyfriend concocting something.
"uhh i don't know yet... there are a lot of options. i could make gruel?"
Zuko grinned to the word. Sokka noticed and quickly proposed something else.
"or i could just make pancakes!"
Zuko seemed better about this idea. Sokka then got ready to prepare the pancakes.
"what have we planned for today?" Zuko asked, grabbing an apple.
"i don't know. nothing planned." Sokka said distracted.
"we could go to the beach."
"i'm fine with whatever baby."
Zuko's cheek turned red. did Sokka just call him baby?
"did you just call me-"
"baby? uh yeah, i- i guess it's just something i do when uh... i- do you like it?"
Zuko let out a small laugh.
"i like it."

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