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"i know this is gonna sound weird but... would you mind sleeping with me tonight? only tonight, i just don't wanna feel lonely." he said, looking in Zuko's golden eyes, one of which was scarred from years ago.
"sure." Zuko went back into the bed, this time laying down.
they each slept on their sides, their backs facing eachother. except that this night, Zuko did not sleep right away. his mind was rambling, turning, thinking. he felt butterflies in his stomach.
"well that's unusual."
what do you mean unusual?
"you've felt this way before did you."
n- no i've never felt like this before.
"you did. but it was only for Mai. not for a boy."
it's not the same thing. Mai was my girlfriend. she- she was a girl not a boy.
"so why do you feel like you have butterflies in your stomach right now?"

that was a good question. why did he feel like that with Sokka? ever since their trip to the boiling rock their friendship grew stronger. and he would be lying if he said he didn't find Sokka attractive. or if from times to times he wouldn't think about him. about his wide blue eyes and his long brown hair most of the time placed in a bun. but boys weren't an option. and since Sokka was dating Suki, it was less tempting for Zuko to think about him in that way. but now him and Suki were no more. it was only Sokka. so the thoughts would eventually come back. they had already started.
his back almost touching Sokka's, he could hear his snoring. if it was anyone else he would've found it annoying but since it was him, he didn't mind much. "wait no fuck. i can't think about guys in that way. stop it Zuko. try to go to sleep." he closed his eyes, trying to think about nothing.  and he eventually fell asleep. however he did not stop thinking about Sokka.

the next morning, he woke up. he turned over just to see Zuko still gently snoring besides him. he still missed Suki, but the pain was less heavy than it was the day before. he got up, trying to make as little as possible noise, in order to not wake Zuko up. he closed the door and went to the kitchen where Aang and Katara were eating breakfast.
"well someone woke up early." Katara pointed out.
"um yeah i decided to become healthier." Sokka said back, making up a dumb excuse.
"what time is it?" he asked.
"9 o'clock." Aang replied. "why are you up so early?"
"i don't know i guess i just felt like it." Sokka replied, shrugging.
he took himself a fruit and sat to the table.
"so do you feel any better since Suki left?" Katara asked.
"i don't know. i still miss her." he said, trying not to show how he truly felt. he didn't want to hear Katara's speech on how she'll come back and things will get better. because in some sort of way, he didn't truly believe in it.
"it's only been a day, you'll get better eventually. one day at a time." Aang said.
Katara got up and kissed Aang on the cheek.
"gotta go to work! see you later!" she said, grabbing her bag. she closed the door and the room fell silent for a minute.
"so i thought maybe today we could go to Iroh's tea shop," Aang proposed, "it's been awhile since we last went together."
Sokka used to go there all the time with Suki. and it hurt him to go without her. yet he didn't want to turn down his friend's invite. "if you keep holding back you'll never be able to enjoy life again Sokka."
"m'kay sure why not." he answered, trying to look and sound as unbothered as he could.
"good to hear! i'll let Toph and Zuko know once they wake up." Aang said with enthusiasm.
"let Zuko know about what?" Zuko said entering the room still sleepy.
"oh uh me and Aang are going to your uncle's tea shop later today and we were wondering if you wanted to come with us?" said Sokka.
"uh yeah sure. i'll come." Zuko said, scratching his neck.

he was glad Sokka had asked him to go. even if it was with Aang and probably Toph, he would still get to spend some time with Sokka. as friends of course. plus, Zuko wanted to see his uncle, he hasn't seen him in a few days. Zuko sat at the table, next to Sokka. him and Aang talked about their plan of creating a new city, and the project was going pretty well for now. Sokka was listening to what they had to say. Toph eventually woke up not long after and they all got ready to go the Jasmine Dragon. walking in the streets of Ba Sing Se was quite relaxing. Zuko could think in peace. well, all he was thinking about was Sokka. and as much as he secretly enjoyed it, he still felt guilty for having those feelings for a boy.
except that i don't have these feelings. it's just in my head.
"so why do you always think of him?"
because he's my friend.
"people don't think about their friends like that."
and what do you know?
"trust me i do."
arrived at the shop, they quickly got seated in their favourite spot. it was a booth large enough to contain everyone.

"even Suki." Sokka thought.

they all ordered the usual, Air Nomad style for Aang and lychee for Sokka and Toph. except for Zuko, who ordered a jasmine tea.
"you know what they say, jasmine tea has a shooting effect." Sokka pointed out to Zuko, "is there anything going on in your mind?"
Zuko blushed. he knew Sokka was just joking around. or was he?
"n-no there's nothing going on what do you mean?" he said, trying to look confident, but what ended up sounding like a huge throw up of words.
"wow Zuko you look hella red. you good buddy?" Sokka asked, a little confused.
"i'm- i', fine." Zuko said, trying to save himself.
"he's probably just stressed out about our new project to build a new city." Aang said, visibly coming to Zuko's rescue.
"y-yes yes that's it." Zuko said quickly.
lies. of course he had a lot going on in his head. he didn't know how to feel about Sokka anymore. he's all he could think about for the past weeks. Sokka this, Sokka that. he was confused about himself and about his feelings.

Iroh arrived with the tea and sat down at the table.
"hello hello. how is everyone doing today on this fine afternoon?" his tone was calming.
Zuko took a ship of his beverage which instantly made him relax. jasmine tea, in fact, did have calming abilities.
"Katara isn't here?" Iroh asked.
"she's working today." Aang said.
"ah good. i knew she always was very hardworking." Iroh said, smiling, "Zuko you should come work in the shop again." he proposed.
"i'll see, uncle." Zuko said and took another sip of his tea.
"i'll work with you Iroh." Soka said, enthusiastic. "if you want me to of course."
"of course i want you to!" Iroh said with a big smile on his face.
Zuko didn't know what to think about this. Sokka working with his uncle? he never thought in a million years this would happen. but suddenly, working with Iroh -and Sokka- didn't seem so bad anymore.
"i'll work too." he said.
Sokka raised an eyebrow.
"what made you change your mind?" he asked.
"um uh, i easily get bored during the day so i um-" Zuko couldn't come up with something.
"it's fine Zuko, i was just joking around. i'm happy at least i'll be working with a friend."

Sokka truly was happy Zuko was going to work with him. even if he made friends quite easily, he didn't really want to socialize with other people for now. plus, working at the tea shop was going to fill his empty days without Suki and make him move on faster.

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