Chapter 16

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The next day after Valerie came to the skate park, I sat on the kitchen table with my father to have some breakfast.

When was he leaving to NY?

I wasn't used to seeing him here.
He was reading the newspaper again.
"It's a great piece son" he said.
"What are you talking about?" I asked.
"The article from your skate park"

I totally forgot about that.

I grabbed the newspaper and started reading it.

It was actually amazing, there was a picture of me and the park, a picture of the winner of the competition, this was great advertising for my skate park.
I couldn't help but to smile.

Last night I was hunted by thoughts about the way I spoke to her, the way I made her feel, I was a douche.

So I decided to text her a nice text to thank her for the article.

Bass: hey Valerie, it's Bass, I just wanted to thank you for the article, it's pretty good.

20 minutes later she responded

Valerie: I'm glad that you liked it

Bass: I did

Valerie: good

Bass: I'm sorry for the way that I talked to you yesterday

Valerie: don't worry about it

Bass: I was just, I don't know... disappointed I think

Valerie: disappointed about what?

Bass: about us

She didn't answer, I just saw how her status changed from typing... to not typing like a thousand times.

I step over the line, I thought, but I was being honest.

And I was moving on, well I was trying to move on. And for that I needed to let it all out.

So I decided to call the girl from the skate park and ask her on a date.

That was what I needed, a distraction.

It was on for tonight. Her name was Darla and by the things that Jackson said I think she was hot.

I picked her up in my black mustang, we went to have diner at a new sushi restaurant.

The girl was gorgeous, with brown hair and green eyes. Very tall she looked like a model. And I learned that she was actually a model.

Our conversation was a little bit boring, I couldn't wait for the end of the night, I wanted her, I needed to have sex with her, to forget Valerie for a minute, and let it all out.

But that wasn't going to happen, much less when I saw Valerie entering the restaurant with Jim.

Fuck me

Was this a fucking joke destiny was playing with me?

They were holding hands as they got to their table. She was wearing black shorts that showed off all of her tight legs and a little bit of her ass and I felt my dick getting excited.

Suddenly she and Jim saw me and they started coming in my direction.
My hands began to  sweat and I started to get really nervous.
Darla noticed that I was uncomfortable.
"Are you okey?"
"Yeah I just saw my cousin over there. He's coming this way"

"Heeeeeey guuuys" I said cheerfully trying to not sound nervous, but I sounded like a fool.

"Hey Bass" Jim said offering me his hand, I shook it.
"Hello Sebastian" Valerie said with a smile. And I offered her an obviously fake smile. She was a good actress.
"This is Darla" I said pointing to my date "this is my cousin Jim and her fiancée Valerie"
I felt shivers down my spine when I pronounced the word "fiancée"

"Nice to meet you" they both said to Darla, and then they went to their table.
Which was unfortunately very close to mine. And I had a full watch to where Valerie was seating.

And I decided to bring out my inner asshole and tried to behave like a total gentleman, just to put Valerie jealous. I knew that'll affect her, I knew that she felt something for me. It was all over her face, her body language, she couldn't resist me.

I held Darla's hand, I caressed her cheek, laugh at everything she said, smiled at her, look at her with pretty eyes, tucked her hair behind her ear, and just when I was sure that Valerie was looking at us I kissed Her.

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