Chapter 5

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Oohhhh my fucking god

I was hyperventilating.

What the fuck was that??

I was going to faint. Yes I was going to faint right here.

I was there at the Carter's family bathroom, shocked.

I couldn't believe it.

Why didn't I see it before?
I didn't recognized him, well, on my defense, he has that hairy beard and he was taller and muscular. He didn't looked like 15 years ago. Years had work on his favor.

Ok let's chill, Valerie, get your shit together.

Inhale, exhale.

Inhale, exhale.

You are meeting my boyfriend's family, you can't make a scene here.

My breathing was getting harder, not letting me calm down. You can do this. You can pretend that you didn't recognized him. No, that would be lame, he obviously noticed that I knew who he was.

That asshole
I hated him

Why did he have to ruin this for me!!!
I felt rage sliding down my cheeks and my teeth were hurting from all the clenching.

I left the bathroom with no clue what to do. I just hoped that he didn't reveal that he knew me in the past.

When I got back to my seat Jim took my hand "are you okey honey?"
"Yes sorry, I got a little dizzy" I said "I think I'm just nervous, nothing to worry about" I said trying to sound like myself.

"So Valerie, Jim tells me you skate, where did you learn?" Bass asked with his cool sexy voice. I remembered that voice, that voice that knocked me on my feet one all those years ago.


"I learned at a summer camp in Canada"  I said giving him my hateful eyes.
"She's Canadian" Jim added.
"Oh really, I loved those summer camps in Canada, I went there every summer since I was a little kid"  Bass said. He was getting on my nerves.
"Yes, I remember my uncles sending you there so they could have the summer to themselves" Jim said laughing.

"Yes, until one day one chick gave me a nickname and everyone make fun of me, I couldn't go back again" Bass said without blinks, his eyes penetrating me, I felt my cheeks getting really hot, I wanted to be swallowed by the earth in that moment.

"Oh yes! yes! I remember, what was the nickname?" Jim said excited to hear about the funny story.
"Bass breath" Bass said between teeth looking straightly to me with hateful eyes.

Jim and Harry started laughing like crazy. And I kept a serious expression watching him, and he was looking at me as well, with the same face, he loathed me. If looks could kill, we'll be both dead.

And I do hate him, and yes it was a bad nickname, but what he did to me was so much worse.

Rose kept offering me food and adding things to my plate.
"You have to try this" she always said.
But I couldn't eat. My throat was blocked with all the feelings that hit me with no warning.
Sebastian kept throwing me hateful cocky glances while he inserted food in his mouth.

God, he was annoying

And I just wanted the night to be over.

I hate you, I love you जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें