Chapter 6

14 1 0

15 years ago


"It was the worst summer of my life" I sobbed in my mom's shoulder. "It was so  humiliating, mom"
"Don't worry my baby, we've all been there sweetie" my mom said, she was the best mom someone could ever ask for.

"I actually thought I was in love with him" I said.
"Sweetie you're only 15, trust me, you're going to be in love and heartbroken a lot of times, that's part of life" she said.
"So now tell me what did he did to you?"
"I can't it's so embarrassing"
I trusted my mom, but I was so ashamed to tell her what happened.
"Val" she put a serious face "tell me"
I took a deep breath and dropped everything on my mom.
"I met Bass the first day, he was so cute, he taught me how to skate, we were always together, he asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes, then one night he made a picnic for us, and we fell asleep there, when we woke up everyone was looking at us and clapping, he told everyone that we were going to have sex so they can come and see, but we didn't mom, I didn't have sex with him"
Tears kept running down my cheeks and my heart really ached. My mom stared at me with tears in her eyes.
"How did you know that he told everyone that?"
"One of my friends at camp told me"
"Don't worry baby, you'll never going to see those people again "
"I hate him, mom"


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