The secret

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Chase and Ryland have left your room and now you are on your own with Chase. 

Y/n: What did you want to talk about?

Chase: Umm I was wondering, actually it doesn't matter.

Y/n: You can tell me its ok.

Chase: (In a quick voice) Ihaveacrushonyou

Y/n: What! I have a crush on you to! Chase I have had a crush on you ever since I was adopted!

Chase: Really! But I can't do this to the others.

Y/n: What others?

Chase: Ryland and Nick

Chase: They also have a crush on you.

Y/n: Well I see them as a friend only if anything just Best friends.

Chase: Uh ok right umm Y/n... will you be my girlfriend?

You run right up to him. Meeting him with a hug. 


You kiss him on the cheek before rambling on about how much you wanted this to happen. 

Y/n: Wait so do you believe me? Do you think I sent those messages? Oh can I see if the messages are still on your phone?

Chase:Yes ok

 He gives you his phone before opening up his settings and adding your thumbprint. He then lets you look at the weird messages.

Y/n: Omg Chase! That photo was from ages ago when I was in hospital. Wayyy before I came here. Don't worry! Plus I couldn't go out with anyone whilst being so close to you! It would break my heart! I could never do that!

Chase: I know but can we keep us being together a-

Y/n: -A secret, I was going to ask you that anyways. 

You are interrupted by a knock on your door......

Adopted by Thomas and MiaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin