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You have just woke up. You looked at the clock. The clock read 4:28 am. You tried going back to sleep but had this agonising pain in your rib. You keep rolling around before accidentally rolling onto the emergency button which was actually on perfect timing because you start having a panic attack. A nurse walks in and sees what's happening and tries calming you down. 

Nurse: Hey, hey calm down. Its ok.

She calls for a doctor.  A doctor rushes in and places a breathing mask over  your face. Thomas had heard this commotion and had ran in. He comes over and calms you down. Once you had covered from your panic attack the doctor asks what was wrong.

Y/n: I-I have a really bad pain.

Doctor: Where is this pain?

Y/n: In my rib

Doctor: Ok I'm going to gently feel around your rib what side is it?

Y/n: On my left

The doctor starts to press around your ribs. He presses this one spot and it really hurts. You push the doctors hand away.

Doctor: Is that where it hurts?

Y/n: Yes 

Doctor: Ok we are going to have to have  an X-Ray on that.

They wheel you to the x-ray room and once they gave you your X-ray they wheeled you back. You waited for your results and had to stay another night just in case. 

Doctor: Ok so the results are back and what  happened is........

Adopted by Thomas and MiaWhere stories live. Discover now