Spot Conlon :) hihi

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Together we were walking on the Brooklyn bridge. David, Jack and me on our way to meet the infamous Spot Conlon who often sat on his beloved trone after a long day of selling papers. I had never met him before, but I had heard many stories some to good to be true...

Jack playfully punched my shoulders, "Hey look y/n, the view looks amazing today!" I just smiled at him as I had noticed before how beautiful it was. Jack was my best friend, one I would never want to lose. I had known him since I was 7 when he happily jumped into my life. He was 9 at the time and we were both just two small childeren living with whatever the world trew at us. Now everything was different, a world where every coin counted and you had to hope you went to bed without a tummy begging for food.

"I've never been to Brooklyn, you?" David asked, "Only a couple of times." I answered, I never really made it further then the bridge.

"Wait watch this." Jack ran to the edge of the bridge with exitment and as i knew what he was about to do a smile formed on my face.
Jack yelled at the top of his longs creating this funny sounding echo.
I died of laughter with David following.

"What?" Jack asked trying to contain his laughter.
The wooden planks of the docks squeeled under my feet as David, Jack and I were making our way to Spot. Newsboys were swimming al around us and I suddenly felt two wet hands grabbing my shoulders. As a responds i immediatly turned around to see who was holding me and to obtain a good position in which I was perfectly balanced.
"A goil on our docks ey? Well atleast it's a pretty one." These words came from a tall guy, he was good looking i had to give him that, but i did not like anything about his vibe. I stared at him not saying a word, not looking mad. Just staring.
"Why are you not in a dress doll?" Another Newsie said. At this point Jack had noticed what was going on but i was not gonna wait for him to make the move. Just before I was about to release myself he let go. He was looking at a boy up in a crow nest and nodded at him. His eyes were the colour of regret, and silently the boy walked past me to continue swimming with his friends. As I was trying to process what had just happened the kid in the crow nest called out to Jack.
"Well If it ain't Jack be nimble Jack be quick." He made its way down to meet us and we made our way to him.
"So you moved up in the world Spot, got a river view and everything." Realisation hit me, standing before me was Spot Conlon. The two spit shaked and a smirk appeared on Spot's face.
"Hey fellas, how's it rolling?" A small chuckle escaped him as he asked it and my cheeks immediatly turned red. "We're good." David said not noticing how he just saved me.
Spot just nodded at us, and I really wanted to fall trough the docks, into to water so i could swim away from my embarissment. I could've just said ur hot right in his face and it would have had the same effect.

"So Jack." He began, I leaned against one of the dock's beams so I could watch this conversation without to much interference. During my movement Spot removed his Newsies cap revealing beautiful blond hair that reflected in the mid-day sun. All I could do was stare as he ruffeled trough his hair and putting the cap back on. 

"I've been hearing things from little birds." His arms crossed when he said this, making him look a bit more intimidating then he already was.

"Things from Harlem." He started walking around. And I studied the way he walked, smooth and simple. 

"Queens." Every step he took was a step closer to me. And it didn't seem like he was going to head in a different direction. Why? I questioned in my head, what kind of game was he going to play with me. Was he even playing a game? Is this how he normally acts around girls? Or even just people? 

"All over." It only took one last step, one last step and he stood next to me. Internal screaming ignored my plan to act neutral with as result:  no control over my body nor my facial expressions. A thousand emotions traveled through my nerve system and nothing was going to stop them, nothing.

Newsies ✨s t u f f ✨Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang