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Hello all!

So your girl did an experiment, I aksed y'all what colour belonged to which Newsies and I got some interesting results ;)

I'll be sharing those and my opinion but I will add commentary so that it won't be such a boring list to read I geuss.

Okay first of all Jackie-boy

I got hot pink, blue or purple and red.

Let's discuss hot pink, this colour reminds me of his energy level somehow LMAO. I mean the boy is not calm and collected but DEFENITLY not wild. It's a cold worded sweethart if that makes sense? And i mean hot pink makes sense yes.

Blue or purple, I do not see this at all I am so sorry. I would see this when were talking broadway version because ofcourse he wears blue though for the 92' version I don't really know

RED: This was also my idea. And I know I know y'all are gonna say this is Spot's colour but it suits Jack WAYYYY more. Think about the bandana, think about all the cowboy stuff. Jack was born for red. Mister spicy, mister romance yes this boy is red.

Nobody got Boots a colour :( But I did!!!

I see Boots as a bright yellow, the boy is like a shining sun. He is happy with a big smile but also not innocent at all and as playfull as our big shining ball up in the sky. When I think Boots I think yellow and the other way around.



everyone to ever live: Davey is blue


case closed lets move on


2 yellow

1 pastel yellow

the pastel yellow obviously being me because everyone is in agreement that crutchie is a yellow. though Crutchie is very clearly a pastel colour. I mean look at the boy, you can't convince me that this dude is not pastel yellow.

Okay then our cutie Blink, 

magenta and autumn orange were suggested.

I can immidiatly say that autumn orange fits Blink no doubt. But I can also see magenta so I have no idea. Maybe both?

Now or favorite boy Spot Conlon

everyone says red,

I disagree.


It's the perfect mix of red and yellow. Red for the anger, the suspenders and the wildness but yellow for the playfullness, the smirk, i mean you get me right. Spot is orange.

Okay next up is Mush,

The colours given to him were: Vermillion and Cyan. 

I feel like vermillion would be a good colour (it's also a really pretty colour). And i feel like cyan would be to cold for him. Though it is up for debate, I won't decide on this one you guys should.

Now we have Racetrack,

I would say brown. It's the colour he wears, the colour of cigars. And overal I think it fits him,

THOUGH i also got a suggestion saying he was a green. With my sleepy head I have no idea how to connect those dots. But you probably have enough good reasons to be correct. WELL now I think about it, broadway Race is a green. Yes! 

And last but not least Skittery,

For skittery I got salmon pink, I see where this comes from he wears salmon pink but I partially disagree. You know it is canon (I believe) that skittery had a lot of trouble with his mental health and that makes me think his character is more of a blue grey-ish colour. But yes salmon pink also works.

And that was it folks! Be sure to leave your opinion in the comments (respectfully please) so we can discuss it further :D

Have a good day <3

Xx Lis

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