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"Who wants to spin the bottle?" Jack yelled, followed by a awkward pause.

"For what?" Sarah asked

"Seven minutes in heaven." Her boyfriend replied with a smirk.

My house had become the victim of yet another get together. Yet this time only a couple kids showed up at my door, the ones I knew best. Jack, Sarah, Spot, David, Race, Mush and Skittery.

"Ofcourse i'm in!" I yelled, always in for some excitement.

We all sat in a cirkel on the floor, waiting in anticipation for Jack to speak.

Jack his hand held a beer bottle up in the air, the smile on his face replaced with a small smirk. He was exited for what was about to happen, and so was I. Who was going to be paired first?

"Okay I say Y/N goes first." Skittery said after taking a sip of his beer. I hadn't had any alcohol today, worried that my parents might come home early and catch me. But that didn't mean my friends didn't drink, Jack was way in the lead while Spot and Mush took it slow.

The boys didn't say a thing they just nodded in silent agreement..

"Okay I spin the bottle, and then it lands on someone and that person is going to have some fun with Y/N. Y'all understand?" Jack explained. All i could do was sigh and laugh. This boy truly was something different whether he was drunk or not.

With a simple movement he gave the bottle some speed. It spinned around fast in small circles.

I watched as the bottle started slowing down, the moment of truth would be here any moment, who was going to acompany me in the closet?

My gaze was focused on the bottle and every last inch that it moved, until it came to a stop. I looked up to the person it was pointing too, Spot.

//First scenario//

The smirk on his face got a bit wider as he helped me get up,

"Looks like you'll have to spend these seven minutes in heaven with me doll." He said, waiting for me to fall into his arms or pull him into the closet. Which wasn't going to happen, I had no interest in being yet another of his "dolls". Yet I had felt relieved when the bottle pointed at him..

"More like 7 minutes in hell if you ask me." I could hear everyone laugh before I was rudely pushed up the stairs by Mush. He threw Spot into my parents walk in closet, that was rather small. I smiled at the sight of him on the floor, but that victorious feeling didn't last long before I was pushed on top of him and Mush loudly smashed the door in it's lock.

"Fuck this is a small place." Spot said while he tried to get me off him, but it wasn't as easy as it seemed. In the closet there was no light at all and like he said, it was a small place. My hand tried to grab onto something, anything, so i could pull myself up.

Before I could realise what was happening 2 strong hands grabbed my waist. I could feel Spot moving us the other way around, now I was laying on the ground with spot on top of me. His warm soft breathes landed on my face, and even though I couldn't really see him, I knew that his face was close.

"What was that usefull for?" A chuckle of Spot filled the room, and while my eyes were getting used to the dark I saw that he shook his head. His presence was becoming more soothing by the second and bad feelings or thoughts were flushed away. I could only feel something changing inside me, between my legs. It felt like everything I had been harnessing myself against, yet I didn't want to loose the feeling.

We looked at each other, his eyes full of lust and a hint of satisfaction. My face flushed with panic and sudden realisation.

"It was usefull for this," he paused a second, "sweetface." His famous smirk appeared on his face. I knew where he was going with this and before he even had the chance I smashed my lips against his. I could feel his lips forming a smile as he kissed back, hard. Too soon we broke apart, only for Spot to make a comment,

"Not much of an hell now is it?" he grinned, while we both found a way to stand.

I rolled my eyes as he kissed me again, this time it was soft. The feeling soothing my stomach and mind.
I am sure he could feel my smile as he chuckled a bit.
Butterfly's exploded everywhere when hearing it, this boy was everything.

"7 minutes are over." I said after hearing someone walk up the stairs

"Already?" Spot groaned.

The 7 minutes had indeed been way to short.

//Second scenario//

I got lucky, Spot was the hottest boy i knew. That anyone knew.

You could say i rushed to the closet, but casual enough that it wouldn't look weird. I could hear his chuckle like he could read my thoughts. Mush held both our hands as he guided us trough my house to my brothers closet. As soon as the door opened a switch in my head turned,

How in the world was i going to handle this?

"Have fun in there loveboids." Mush said before slamming the closet door. And as soon as that door fell into its lock I couldn't talk.

"So uhmm," Spot tried, but just like me we couldn't find the right words. And a awkward silence was born.

"Well this is fun." I said with a groan.

Both of us were just standing in the closet, suddenly it was way bigger then I wished it to be. The distance between me and Spot awful.

"You know I liked your game yesterday." Spot was in the footbal team in school, and clearly one of the best players.

"Thanks, I played pretty well." His ego came up, ofcourse I expected it but it was hard to say something back. Luckily I didn't have to, Spot already thought of something to say.

"You know, you're really pretty."

Red seas of blush covered my face.
He called me pretty.

"Thank you." I said while blushing.

I felt his presence coming closer, was it happening?

But despite my fantasies he did nothing, just breathing on my face. With every warm breath exploding in my eyes, nose and mouth. I smelled the liquor he had drunk, I knew it was not much but the smell was strong. My lips felt a tinteling and I knew what I wanted to do, but I didn't dare.

So nothing happened, we just stood there. Me trying to contain everything that was happening inside of me and him, well I couldn't read his face.

Suddenly I felt a soft and small touch of his lips, barely touching mine. It was almost like it never even happend, it was quick and intocicating, i needed more. I lunged for more.


"Yes doll." He whispered, in his voice the same longing that I had.
The feeling of love, being loved and the feeling of a kiss.

"Kiss me."

Before anything could happen the door opened.
Bright rays of light reached my eyes and as an reaction i bounched back further in the closet.

"Looks like nothing happened here, you guys are boring." Jack yelled,

So they didnt see. They didnt see how close I was to Spot, how I craved for his touch, how I still do.
Both me and Spot came out of the closet, looking at eachother one last time.

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