Chapter 3

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3 days later...

Taylor's POV:

I slowly got up out of my bed. I gave a yawn and slowly got dressed. I listened to music for a while until I heard my dad's car start and drive off. It had been 3 days since the incident. He told me it was my fault for being out to late. I knew I could never tell my mum because she would never believe it and if he found out he would probably punish me again. When he was done I crawled into my bed and cried for 3 hours. When my mum finally came home she gave me a kiss goodnight and asked boy trouble? If only she knew. But I decided that today was a new day. I went downstairs to the kitchen and helped myself to some cream cheese and smoked salmon. I ate it slowly savouring the taste. To cheer myself up I decided to go Shopping. The only problem was I had no friends to go with. All of my friends had gone to uni and I was left back here. In a tiny town with nothing to do. At least it had a shopping mall. I slipped on my shoes and headed out...

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