Chapter 13

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1 week later.....

Karlie's POV:

"run!! " I screamed "run Taylor run! "

We ran down a side street and through a park. Finally we stopped running and stood there panting. My sides ached and I had a painful stitch. Taylor was bright red and was doubled up panting. "What the actual hell Taylor" I looked over at her an angry look forming on my face. Basic catchup, over the last week we had been living off bits of food and in the streets. We or should I say Taylor had got us into a bit of trouble and a street gang was after us. "I think we've lost them" I said and Taylor gave me a grin. God why was she so damm cute even when I was meant to be mad with her. i twisted my head around the corner anxiously scanning the park for the thugs. Several hours laters and Taylor and i had found our bed for the night. I knew this couldn't got on for much longer and i was determined to get a job. Trying to get comfortable on the layers of cardboard we had constructed underneath us i asked Taylor why she had decided to give up everything so w could be together. "I love you" she replied simply, my heart swelled up with love and pride. we lay there facing each other. However dirty we were, however hungry, however cold we were, we would always have each other and thats what mattered.

"Tay, we seriously need to think about how we are going to survive in the streets. Its not safe and eventually our luck will run out and something really bad will happen" I watched as she nibbled her lip nervously. "I will try and get a job" she finally responded and as she said that shee wrinkled her cute little nose. I gave a laugh and looked at her with disbelief. "A job!, what will you do?"

"so you don't think i could get a job?" she sat up a frown destroyig he perfect features. "Calm down Tay" i said with a chuckle, "I was only messing with ya" she laughed, a beautiful floaty laugh that made my insides turn to mush. It was only then when i realised how much she meant to me. When we finally got to sleep the last thing i remember was her ocean blue eyes staring at me as i drifted off into a fitful sleep....

Taylor's POV:

I woke up with a stiff neck and i let out a groan as i straightened my neck out. I saw that Karlie was fast asleep and it seemed a pity to wake her when she finally looked peaceful after the week of stress i had put her through. We were only young. Not even adult yet. It was lucky we were both so tall. I scribbled down a note on the cardboard next to her head and slipped out of the corregated iron roof/door we had quickly constructed last night.

I walked along the sunny roads keeping my eyes open to see if i could find any vacancies in shop windows. I had been walking for almost 2 hours and was almost giving up hope before i spotted a sign in a mall cafe on the edge of the road. It asked for a waitress to work 5 hours a day. 1 hour later and i had secured myself a job. The pay was pretty crap but they didn't ask for much proof of who i was and even though that seemed strange i wasn't going to complain.

By the time i was making my way back i realised how long i had been. Karlie must be going mad with worry. I quickened my pace and decided to take a shortcut through the city. I hummed as i walked, lost in my thoughts and it was only when i walked into somebody that i realised where i was. I had just walked into a very bad area of the town into a very bad person who ran this town. I looked up and gulped....

Karlie's POV:

It had been nearly 5 hours since Taylor had left. This was of course an estamation. I wasn't sure when i had woken up but i was farely sure it wasn't long after Taylor had left. I bit my lip anxiously. I decided to give her an hour and then i would go searching for her.

3 hours later....

Come on Taylor. Where are you? i murmered under my lips as i looked around our little area. I hadn't dared leave in case she came back whilst i was gone. I started to cry. This would be the first night i had spent by myself and i was going to miss hugging Taylor as i fell asleep. Tears streaming down my face i drifted off into the land of nightmares, my whole body screaming for Taylor...

Taylor's POV:

So much was this amount of pain even possible? I drifted off into a subconsious state again as another fresh wave of pain hit me....

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