Chapter 9

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A/N: Back for another chapter. And cant wait for Samchel duet & kiss tonight. Although I am not sure how I feel about Rachel being rejected again. And has anyone seen the photo of Lea Michele and her ring? Hmmm, well whatever it is I wish her nothing but happiness. And she has a new series in the works called Scream Queens.. And I was so happy to see the Nielsen Ratings Tues night and the Flash was #5. Way to Go Grant Gustin and cast. It was such an awesome episode plus the two from Prison Break reunited: Dominic and Wentworth! Anyways, I'll try to include some Samchel in this chapter in honor of tonight's episode but again Smytheberry is endgame in this story at least. Happy Reading!

Disclaimer: I don't own Glee, characters, or song lyrics.


Rachel sat in her room getting ready for her date with Sam. Sebastian hadn't called or texted back. She had literally left a dozens of messages. She knows he was hurt, but so was she. How did they go from making love to not speaking? And what was it with Sam? Maybe Sebastian is right and perhaps she needed to explore something with Sam. She knew one thing is for certain. She loves Sebastian. And she knows he loves her too. Sam is well confused. She didn't want a repeat of Rachel /Finn/Quinn triangle. In tho case it would be Rachel /Sam/Mercedes. She felt something in their kiss, but how can he want to date her but he still loves Mercedes. At least with Sebastian, he knew who he wanted. She was HIS first choice. Guess it wouldn't hurt to have one date with Sam.

Soon, Rachel's door bell rang. She ran down to open the door and gasped to see Sam and how handsome he was. She admits in high school she thought Sam was very attractive. He was one of the sweetest and honest guys she's ever known.

Rachel: Hi Sam! You look handsome.

Sam: Hello Rachel. * hands her a single yellow/red rose* you look amazing! Are you ready?

Rachel: Yes, let me grab my jacket and purse.

Rachel grabbed what she needed, and was shocked to see a horse and carriage in front of her house.

Rachel: Omg Sam, what-

Sam: I wanted to do something special. I know we're friends, but I've always wanted to do tho when we were in New York.

Rachel: You didn't with Mercedes?

Sam: Never got a chance. Plus I want tonight to be kinda special.

Rachel: Awe the rose, carriage ride, and handsome date. Cant be any better.

Sam took her hand and led her into carriage. Sam was doing everything. Rachel thought this was romantic. They came upon the lake, and Sam had a picnic basket.

Rachel: A picnic at the lake under moonlight?

Sam: Yes, ma'am.

Rachel was impressed and can't remember when any guy ever did this for her, not even Sebastian. Okay she was on a romantic date with one of her best friends, yet her mind keeps thinking of Sebastian.

Rachel and Sam continued to chat and feed one another. Sam was enjoying himself and hadn't thought Mercedes at all. He knew he still was competing with Sebastian for Rachel's heart. Right now he just wanted to enjoy this special night with Rachel.

Sam: Are you enjoying yourself, Rach?

Rachel: I am, Sam, thank you. I'm just confused and I don't want to be someone's second choice.

Sam: Second choice?

Rachel: I'm so stupid. I'm sorry. I don't want to ruin this special night.

Sam: Rach, you're not stupid. I am confused too and both of us have feelings for others but you have to admit there is some sparks between us.

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