Chapter 4

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A/N: Wow I've never written this much in one day. It's snowing and good day to write. I am glad that everyone are still interested in SmytheBerry stories. Since Sebastian is absent from Season Six, although he has been mentioned, I thought I'd write this story. Happy Reading.

Also I thought the part of the episode when they went to talk to the Tea Party group and Sam mentioned about Quinn having sex with Santana, I think it would've been hilarious had he mentioned that he was a former male stripper named White Chocolate and did the sex roll he loved to do. Hahaha.

And the one Head Warbler who kept going on about squirrel warblers, I am sorry but Sebastian would've lost his mind and had a sarcastic comment or two. Lol

Anyways, enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own Glee, characters or song lyrics.


Rachel arrived at McKinley High with Blaine. Sam was an assistant coach and currently making Gatorade for the team.

Rachel: Samuel..

Sam: Rachel, how long have you known me? You know I hate that name.

Rachel: And you know I refer to people by their proper name they were given Samuel Evans.

Blaine: Touché..

Sam: I still love you though Rachie.

A football player ran over yelling he was thirsty.

Sam: Get it yourself.

Spencer: Stop being a Whiny Hummel and get back to work.

Rachel and Blaine scoffed. Blaine knew Rachel was about to make a scene.

Blaine: Rachel, let it go.

Rachel: Um excuse me I know I haven't been out of school that long, but that was disrespectful.

Sam: Rach, its cool, he's totally gay.

Spencer: I'm a post-modern day gay and a bit of an arrogant jerk. By the way, your show sucked!

Sam: Isn't he adorable?

Rachel: So you just let him disrespect you?

Blaine: Just let it go.

Rachel: I was wanting to know if you would be interested in helping me reinstate the glee club?

Sam: Take on Sue?

Rachel: I don't want to put your job in jeopardy though.

Sam: Rach. Count me in. I'll try to see if I can recruit the football team.

Blaine: This is a good thing. I'm not sure how much help I can be except to offer moral support. Sebastian has asked me to help with the Warblers. In fact, he wants us to stop by Dalton to critique the Warblers. He would love your input. And since technically you don't have a club to run, its not spying.

Sam: Ooh Sebastian huh?

Rachel: Shut up Sam. There is no Sebastian. That was history.

Blaine: History never dies. And I know had it not been for Finn, you both could've happened.

Sam: Plus you both end back in Ohio at same time? Coincidence or Fate?

Blaine: Lets put up sign up sheets and then head to Dalton.

Rachel: Lets do it.

Rachel and Blaine went to Mr. Schue's old office and made copies of sign up sheet. Then suddenly she heard a voice singing. It sounded like it was coming from the locker room..

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