Chapter 7

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Ashers POV


           I stared up at the old fashioned library layered with snow, It looked as if it was from a movie, old but beautiful. Adjusting my bag on my shoulder, I tugged my beanie down before shoving my hands in my pockets. I breathed out, I watched the small cloud disappear into thin air. Walking up the stairs, I glanced around to see eyes already on me. Sighing, I opened the door.

I was hit with a full blast of heat. I wished the cold would leave already, I miss summer so much. It was the only time of the year I could go to the beach and enjoy the warmth of the sun.

Hearing whispers around me, I watched as all eyes turned to me. I never made an appearance on campus unless it was somewhere I was needed or required to be. Ignoring the eyes, I walked to the direction of books.

My eyes read the alphabets that sorted out the directions and placements of where specific books were located, seeing the letter "H," I swiftly walked into the isle. Reaching my hand out, I watched my fingers trail over the old and new books, feeling the texture. I needed a new textbook for Human Anatomy and Physiology. Finals we're coming up, I wasn't worried about my grades but I needed to pass my final with at least an A- or B+. Most people dedicated their hobbies or sports as their future jobs. I may be good at basketball and enjoy it, but I don't want to be drafted into the NBA. I want to work as a criminal lawyer. Yeah being drafted and playing for an all-star league may be fun, and if it were to happen, i'd take the opportunity, but this is reality. Once college is over, we have to face the harsh reality that a dream is a dream.

"H&P Guide." I pulled out the book with my finger, flipping over the pages. I glanced up to look at the book next to it, but a specific figure caught my eye through the gaps between the books. I squinted, trying to catch a clear glimpse.

There he sat, Wilson. The thought of him made my abdomen tighten. I watched as he had his face nuzzled into his plans, his glasses at the breach of his nose. His brown wavy locks covered with a big black beanie. I watched his feet sway, barely touching the ground, as he concentrated on his book. His nose scrunched as he flipped the page calmly. He was wearing a big hoodie, I just imagined how he would look in mine. The thought of him wearing mine tugged at my heart. He was so small, so delicate, so perfect. A halo was sprouted around him. He was in his own world, sitting by himself.

      He was an angel.

       I don't know what came over me, but if it was as if my feet started walking on its own, it pulled me to the direction of where he sat. As I walked through the tables, I watched as those cleared their tables as if i'd sit with them, I watched as a group of girls started coughing, trying to catch my attention. Walking past them, I watched as their expressions fell when I walked to Wilson instead of diverting my attention to them.

        I stood in front of him for a while, waiting for him to take notice of me. I watched as he glanced around the room, wondering why everyone was looking his way, before he locked eyes with me. His big beautiful eyes ignited flames within.

        I watched as he licked his lips before opening and closing his mouth, not knowing what to say. A hand raised to his glasses to push them up his nose before he quickly glanced down to break eye contact, muttering a quiet and shallow "Hi."

          My heart tugged at the faint sound coming from his delicate form. I didn't know what came over me but I reached over to the table and placed my palm on the table, staring down at him. "Hey." I spoke in a deep voice I managed to muster. I watched as he shuffled in his seat, face turning pink and his eyes opened wide. He glanced up as I stared down at his angelic face, a smile sprouted on his beautiful face. A small canine pointing in his lip as his small dimples formed.

       Wanting to get closer and maintain a better view, I quickly asked a question. "Can I sit here?" I watched him hoping to gain a reaction, instead he muttered a quiet "Sure," before turning away. Staring at him, I realized my presence and silence was giving him some discomfort by the way he shifted in his seat countless of times. "Did you complete your part?" I managed to break the tension. "Um.. yes-s.. I actually-y finished my-y whole-e part-t." My eyebrows rose in surprise, the project wasn't due until two months from now. "The project isn't due till the end of the semester." I said in disbelief. Shocked was a word to say, many people didn't take college seriously and tend to slack off and not do work this early in the semester. "I like-e to finish-h my work." He quietly stuttered out. I just sat quietly, gazing and staring at his frame, enjoying and basking in the comforting silence sitting between us.

       I looked away, looking around the inside of the building as he picked up his book, containing to read.  From the corner of my eye, I watched as he looked away from his book to observe me. I licked my lips, teasingly, shockingly, his eyes managed to snap down to my lips and stare. I watched as he observed me from head to toe. A smirk lifted to my face, at least my appearance managed to get his attention. I let out a quiet chuckle when he noticed I caught him staring.

           The game was tonight, I was itching to ask, to see if he would come if I was there. I raised my arms to the table, folding them, and resting my head on top of them. "Are you coming to the game tonight?" I asked quietly. I watched as his eyes snapped to me, I waited for an answer as we gazed at eachother. "Um.. i'm-m not-t sure-e" I heard his whisper out. My shoulders fell, damn, he really is hard to get. Everyone goes to the games. Feeling moody by his response, I was managing to hold my reaction in to later let it out on the court.

       "I-I mean I could-d see? I am-m working-g today." I heard him utter out quickly, I let out a sigh of relief. Hearing a bang from the door of the library, I sighed, knowing it was the team probably coming in to make a ruckus. Only they would disturb the quiet area. I rested my face, getting rid of any emotion, before standing up and letting out a sigh and getting up from my seat. I watched Wilson's eyebrow raise, questioning my reaction.

       I cracked a small smile, for only him to see, "I hope to see you there tonight." I quietly muttered, glancing at him once more, before walking away from the comforting embrace into the dull, thick air. Leading the group of dumbasses out, I pushed the entrance doors with my hands, hearing the team follow my like lost puppies, out into the cold air. Feeling rugged and annoyed they ruined my small moment, I raised my hand, implying I was leaving, before walking home.


A/N I will be posting a continuing POV of Asher until the game night. Im so sorry for going ghost, i've really been in a dark headspace for a while, im slowly regaining my conscience now so I will be updating soon! Probably a day from now in all honesty. With the love from everyone and finally reaching 1K views, I am slowly turning to writing more instead of bottling up my feelings.

Please ignore any mistakes on this chapter, It's 4am here and I just honestly wanted to update and show you guys I am here.

Love you all. Please don't forget to comment or vote.

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