Chapter 1

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            Sighing, I rest my plams on my cheeks staring down at my chemistry book, with upcoming exams before the break, college has officially took a toll on me. Hearing loud laughter, I turn to the side, glancing outside of the window of my one bedroom apartment, watching drunk students stumbling out of a party, laughing, gripping at each other's shoulders hoisting themselves up. My eyes narrow down to the house across my apartment complex. Bright neon lights flashing as the base trembles, almost as if vibrated the whole house. Turning my head away I glance up at the clock that sits above my desk. "2:24 AM. Unbelievable," I muttered quietly, my eyebrows furrow as I yawned. Standing up, I quickly drew the curtains and sat down on my bed. Placing my glasses on the nightstand, I quickly stretched before getting under my covers. I stare at the ceiling trying to ease my breath, before shutting my eyes and going to sleep.

           The cold air blew around me, tugging my beanie down my soft wavy locks and clutching my jacket close to me, I shivered. I glanced up in relief, my feet shuffled to the door of Denver University, my eyes watching my feet move up the stairs. Sighing, I clutched my books and hiked them closer to my chest, hugging them. Last night was a rough night. Coming back from work at the Cafe, to studying till around 2am, to almost missing the bus, I guess bound to have a rough morning. I watched as students tumbled in and out the building, many holding their heads in despair from what it seems as a hangover, I presumed from the party that took place last night, quickly rushing to class. I sighed once more before quickly picking up my pace and rushing into the warm building before I would get trampled.

       I quickly skimmed through my test one more before heading to the front and turning my work in. A sharp noise pierced through the air implying the bell had rung and the class was over. I quickly gathered all of my materials before heading out of the building. As I walked out, murmurs traveled the hall. I halted and glanced up. Watching through my lashes, as a big group walked down the halls, catching everyone's attention with their loud clutter. They laughed and talked amongst each other, in their own world, not noticing the attention they have gathered. My eyes traveled to those around them, I watched the girls around me quickly adjusting their hair and trying to make their appearance look more presentable. "Asher Williams," name was all I heard being murmured. I blinked, confused, who?

             Blushes coated their cheeks as they stared, without any care of the world. I stared at the girl next to me, watching her beady eyes roam a figure within the group. I grimaced at the small traces of drool seeping through her lips. My eyes trailed from her, slowly glancing back at the group, my breath hitched as my eyes linked with sharp grey eyes, resembling a storm.

             It felt like time slowed down, eyes locked, as if his eyes had captured me, locking me away. I slowly came back to realization on what was happening, my eyes quickly widened and snapped downward, releasing the breath I didn't know I was holding, I felt my face flush. With bright red cheeks, I turned on my feet and walked out of the building. "Get yourself together." I pathetically muttered while slowly shaking my head. I was lost in thought, confused to why I was so affected.


            Shaking the feeling of me being watched, I stepped out of the building, my shift began soon so I began my walk to the Cafe.


               The only perk living by campus was also living by the Cafe, Auntie May's Cafe more specifically. I treaded down the side walk, the song "Are you bored yet?" by the Wallows blared through my headphones as I quietly sang under my breath, watching the beauty of nature as I walked on the side walk. The ground was layered of snow, blanketing with thick white layers. Seeing the cafe in bright view, I quickly rushed inside seeking for warmth.

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