The Next Monday | Chapter 1

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Denki thought it would be another boring day although he loved his school and his classes lately it just seemed boring. Aizawa unenthusiastically "good morning class you have a new classmate joining you guys" All the girls were so excited, they were hoping it would be another girl! They were expecting a cute girl so did all the boys. But in reality, you were (height) trans man, had feminine features and your hair cut at (h/l) it was a beautiful shade of (h/c). 

You looked like Tamaki because of how nervous you were, you had your head down and didn't want to speak up. Aizawa had told you to write your name on the board and when you wrote (Y/N, L/N) Denki's face lit up. You soon started to speak, and you stated your name and your quirk. "Hhi uh sorry My name is (L/N, Y/N) but you can just call me (N/N) or whatever you want heh-" Aizawa soon mumbled "your quirk?" "OH right uh, so my quirk is thermokinesis!" Izuku was so intrigued but you weren't noticing yet... You just noticed Denki "Denki Kaminari?"

 Denki soon turned to you, he soon noticed it was his childhood friend "YOU GOT INTO UA????" he stated "awhile ago yeah,,," all the boys except Denki were disappointed they thought that it would be some cute new girl, but Denki got his best friend back. Mina and all the other girls were intrigued by both their relationship and the fact that you were quite feminine. But now you were just bombarded with questions about your quirk. Aizawa soon stated "you can ask questions about (L/N) and then we will get into our next topic of discussion"

 Izuku soon asked "HOW DOES YOUR QUIRK WORK (L/N)" you were slightly startled on how loud and abrupt he was about quirks and being a hero but you decided to give an explanation. "So my quirk can also be called Thermal Energy Manipulation, I can create, shape or manipulate temperature! Kind of like Todoroki but it uses my own body's energy and it looks different. You probably don't want me to get into it so I will stop at the basic stuff!" Bakugou soon followed with "HEY LOSER I WIN AROUND HERE I'M THE ONE WITH THE FIRE QUIRK" [i'm sorry, not good when it comes to writing like/about bakugou] you mumbled "like I would lose to you dumbass" "WHAT WAS THAT" he soon followed with.

 "I SAID LIKE I WOULD LOSE TO YOU DUMBASS" everyone knew that they would be in for a life-long hell like situation. Everyone sighed and realized they had to deal with 2 Bakugou's now but one is emotionally unstable. They ended up arguing until the end of the period and they threatened to kill each other more than 1,000,000 times for sure at least that's what Denki thought.


Time skip~~~ Lunch!


"Hey, Denki! Can I sit with you?" you stated, you got slightly flustered every time you asked mainly because you've had a crush on him since you were just little kids, little did you know he had a crush on you too. He obviously said yes noticing how exhausted you were after all you exercised in your binder which you shouldn't have done but you thought AT LEAST IT'S BETTER THAN BANDAGES. Denki was sitting with Mina, Kirishima, Sero and your new sworn enemy Bakugou. Denki texted you because he knew you weren't out yet.


Electric Dumbass<3

How long have you worn your binder?



Not long just since like 7 so 5 hours


Electric Dumbass<3

Did you work out in it?



PFFT NO ofc I wouldn't


Electric Dumbass<3

Liar, change when you get to the dorms






"Hey Ashido, Hanta, Kirishima, Bakugou. How are you guys minus Bakugou!

Kirishima soon stated "You looked like you couldn't breathe during practice, are you sure you're ok?" you soon realized what happened you realized that you had to come up with an excuse. "OH, Oh no I'm fine I just have asthma! It's from overuse of my quirk." It technically wasn't a lie because that's what happens. You soon realized lunch was over, and you barely ate so you soon scarfed the food down and then got ready for the rest of your day.

Time skip


The rest of your class time was good. You were fluent in English so that class was a breeze you ended up just doodling the entire class, and you were slightly staring at Denki realizing that he totally needs to be tutored.


Time skip again because of my lazy ass


You finally finished styling your dorm, you felt great you had music posters in there and all your interests, you realized the dorm contest remastered was about to begin. 


So that was the first chapter I'm going to try and upload every weekend!

This chapter - 788 words [ Sorry it's so short!]

Fire and Electricity [Denki x Trans Reader]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora