Childhood. | Chapter 7

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This will be a flashback chapter (I'm sorry for not posting I have major writer's block)

TW// cursing, violence, self-harm, caps, mom mentions, dad mentions, sibling mentions, deadname, drowning mentions, near-death experiences, panic attack 


You had moved from (birthplace) to Japan when you were 5. It was quite weird honestly, you weren't expecting it although you did speak Japanese and English as your mother and father were Japanese but had moved to ( birthplace). You had moved to a fairly nice apartment and had gotten your own room separate from your sibling.[sorry if you have more than one sibling or no siblings-] *Knock knock* you had heard the door and got the door as you were the oldest kid. There was a yellow-haired boy with a black streak in his hair with his mom who pretty much had a longer version of that hair. "MOM, DAD THERE ARE AN ADULT AND A KID AT THE DOOR" you screamed in English, your mother soon came over and struck up a conversation with his mother and you were talking with the kid. "So uh.. what's your name-? My name is uh (d/n) (l/n). (D/n) felt so uncomfortable to you and why- you had thought? "Oh uh, my name's Kaminari Denki! But you can call me a hero!" You smiled, he's cool I want to be his friend! "Uh, can we be friends?" You said not to be rude as most girls didn't want to play with you because you acted like a boy. He said yes and you just talked about yourselves as much as 5-year-olds can (which really isn't that much), and you played with toy cars. He came back the next week and the next and the next and so on and so forth.

time skip middle school

It was the first day of your second year of middle school you were obviously really nervous and were desperately in the closet, with both being (sexuality) and being trans. Desperately not trying to calm yourself down. Denki had knocked on your door, and you were scared because of school and you wanted to come out to him soon since he was the only person you trusted. "Oh uh hey Denki what's up? Oh, right school haha-" you were a phenomenal student according to all your teachers but you honestly had high expectations so you thought you were a bad student. "You alright (d/n) you feel more anxious than usual?" you soon said you were fine and decided to walk to class. You kind of drifted away during classes as you were worried about what was going to happen. Then it was time, you were freaking out, and you came out to Denki it was surprising how well he took it, and honestly, you felt better about telling your parents. Although you were going to wait a few months.

Time skip one month

A bus had fallen off a bridge near you, you focused you were able to make energy lift up the bus with just the energy. You had saved nearly all the kids and the bus driver but there was






You rushed down to get the kid you thought it would've been too late but you kept pushing and pushing and got them up and out of the water, saving them from their own death. Once you got out, you hit your head and almost drowned yourself. You had amnesia.

End of dream

You woke up sweating and feeling scared you had the dream again with a mix of anxiety, anger, and stress. You had the dream again, you were tired of it. You told yourself over and over again THAT'S NOT YOU THAT'S NOT FUCKING YOU. Oh, but it was. You were having a panic attack you wanted to rush into your room but you couldn't. Mina was dared to sleep in your room, so you couldn't have a breather and get your comfort item. [the comfort item is something that has helped you get through things so if you don't have one make something up if you do use that one for this]. Then you thought something was gonna happen, what if Denki wakes up, what if... what if... what if... your mind spiraled into what if's to the point Denki woke up. He had tried to calm you down as best as he could, but you couldn't deal, soon the panic got worse and worse as you realized you didn't have a binder to the point you were sobbing on the ground. Screaming "WAS THAT ME, WAS THAT ME, I DIDN'T. I COULDN'T HAVE, IM NOT GOOD ENOUGH. I DIDN'T SAVE THEM IM IM... NOT WORTH ANYTHING" You passed out. Denki called for Aizawa and he had called your parents.

Denki's pov

Y/N, Y/N, AIZAWA, I saw Mina run out of y/n's dorm room and went there to help get Aizawa because recovery girl was obviously asleep. I was ridiculously worried. What's gonna happen to him, I CARE FOR HIM TO MUCH. I want to scream that. But I can't. I'm too worried.

To be continued....


846 words

ALRIGHTY- sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo i finished writing this chapter its kinda a flashback but its also stupidly crappy because its 3 am where i live k byee 

its short ik-

875 words 

Fire and Electricity [Denki x Trans Reader]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt