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Maeve POV

I open my car door to get out, I grab the flowers from my passenger seat, I lock my car once I'm out of it. I enter the graveyard, I go to my parents grave, I sit by them. I lean against my mother's headstone, "Hey mom, dad, I'm back." I say.

I replace the flowers on their headstones, after their deaths, I worked even harder in my studies to perhaps find an explanation for what happened that night. "Acantha and I are still keeping in touch, she recently got a job at Central City Picture News." I tell them.

I pull my phone out, and pull up the S.T.A.R Labs broadcast, I told Wells that this wasn't a smart idea. I sigh, and push myself up to a standing position, I start my way back to my car. I pass by Nora Allen's grave, I stop, and look at it.

I drop my remaining flowers on it, I know Allen would appreciate it, "Wait, we are now being told to evacuate the facility. The storm may have caused a malfunction to the primary cooling system. Officials are now trying to shut down the particle accelerator. But so far have been unable to regain..." I hear the reporter say.

I told S.T.A.R Labs that this was a stupid idea, I start to walk faster towards my car, I then hear a loud boom. I look up to see a wave of dark matter I believe expanding out across the city, it then hits me, and then sends me flying.

I blackout after I hit my head on something hard.

Acantha POV

I look around for Mae, she was suppose to be back by now, I go onto my balcony. I look to see if anyone is watching, before shooting up into the sky, I soar above the city. I hear the familiar siren of an ambulance, which is heading away from the police department.

I reach the graveyard, I quickly spot my genius best friend, I land by her. She was bleeding from the head, I quickly pull out my phone, and call 911. "911, what's your emergency?" The operator asks, "Please send an ambulance to the graveyard, my best friend it bleeding from the head." I say.

"Alright ma'm, the closest one is heading away from the police department, they'll come by to pick her up." The operator responds, I pick Mae up, and head to the front of the graveyard. The ambulance soon arrives, the back doors are opened.

I lay her on the stretcher they bring out to me, they quickly put her by the guy they have in the back, that guy looks kinda cute. Before they close the doors, I notice weird tendrils of energy and lightning connect and seem to mingle with each other, weird. 

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