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To understand what I'm about to tell you, you need to do something. You need to believe the impossible. Can you do that? Good. You see that orange blur? That's me. That too. There I am again. My name is Maeve Hale, and now I think it's time you learn a bit more about me...

14 Years Ago...

My story is pretty simple. My whole life, I've been the star child in my family, and my neighborhood. But when I was eleven, my whole life changed for the worse...

I run to my house from my bus stop, I stop at the crash site on the Underwood's farm, I slide down the side. I start to look through the dirt, "Huh, I thought I'd find you here." A familiar voice says, I let out a yelp.

I turn to face my blond best friend, "I want to show you something!" Acantha exclaims, and starts to drag me somewhere. She finally stops when we're in a clearing, "Watch." She says, and turns around to face me.

She suddenly starts to fly, I stare at her, "I forgot I haven't told you yet. I'm an alien, I come from Krypton. My twin brother, Kal-El, was in a different pod than mine." She explains. I grin, excited about this

-At Night-

I wake up to see the water in my glass acting like gravity doesn't exist, my eyebrows furrow, I sit up to see tendrils of energy floating around my room. I hear a crash from downstairs, I get out of bed, and head downstairs.

"Mom? Dad? What's going on?" I ask while rubbing my eyes, I open my eyes to see blue lightning, red lightning, and those same tendrils of energy from before encircling them. "Mom! Dad!" I exclaim, and move to the ball of lightning and energy.

"No! Get away Mae!" Mom shouts, I then notice a man in yellow inside the ball of lightning and energy, he moves towards me. I'm then suddenly outside in my family's fields, "Mom! Dad!" I scream, and run towards my house.

I didn't notice the lights in Acantha's house turn on, I get to my house, and run in. In the living room was the dead bodies of my parents, I freeze, and then start to cry.

14 years later...

I shake my head to brush away the memory, I joined part-time as a scientist in the CCPD, since that day fourteen years ago, I've kept tabs on Harrison Wells. I don't quite trust him.

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