28. Love Sickness

Start from the beginning

One of the little girls in the crowd raised her hand to grab your attention, "How long did it take you to defeat this warrior?" she asks.

You pointed at her. "Good question Marguerite," You leave your mouth slightly open, pretending to count before giving her an embarrassed smile. "...I haven't, not yet at least."

The crowd comically started booing you, laughing to yourself as they tossed a few coconut pieces at you. "Oh no, the love of my fans~" Though you know they mean it in good fun, there are still a few ladies who gave you a scruntched look.

"How disrespectful, I would rather die than loose to a man. They ain't shit."

Another girl raised her hand in the background. "What's a man?" she asked, but no one cared to explain. You don't know why, but that made you laugh more than it should have.

"Life isn't always about winning fights." you defend.

"For us it is," the kuja pirate huffs. "Men only know how to fight, eat snack, and lie."

"Don't talk smack about what you don't know Kuja," you taunt with a mischievous smile. "You have no idea what fun you're missing out on~! especially with what they have down-"

"Whoa, whoa, that's enough," Sandersonia interrupts. "I think it's getting late for the younglings, it's time for them to go to bed."

With the younglings now gone, your audience was diminishing more and more. Leading you to end tonight's storytelling. "I'll be hitting the hay too," you announce with a stretch. "How about I tell some eighteen plus stories tomorrow~? after the young ones go to bed of course."

The older and more experienced Kuja beamed at the information, eagerly nodding for what's to come. Where Hancock can only look at them with the roll of her eyes.

To you, the night ended on a high note. Though Boa doesn't believe the same, walking up to you as you help put out the bonfire.

"I still can't believe you fought that man more than once and didn't beat him." Hancock huffs in disappointment, almost scolding you.

"He's not just any man snakey, if you ever fought him you'd understand that."

"Tsk, as if he could stand a chance against me. No one can resist my beauty, not even you (y/n)-san~" Boa mentions in a faux tone, eyeing you carefully for your reaction.

You shake your head with a laugh. "True but not the point," you ruffle her hair playfully, much to Boa's annoyance. "You're cute snakey, but I watched you grow up since you were a kid. Not even a devil fruit can change that image I have of you." Although you didn't see it at first, there was a hint of disappointment flashing through Hancock's blue eyes.

You found it odd Hancock replaced her throne carriage in exchange for walking alongside you, but you can imagine she just wants some time with you alone. The night is calm and fresh, with the exception of a few mosquitoes, it's fairly peaceful in Amazon Lily. You suppose that's the benefit of having and island within the isolated calm belt.

"How is he like?" she asks all of a sudden.


"The yonko's son, the warrior you kept messing around with over and over again," Boa explains, crossing her arms over her chest. "You'd usually get bored within a month or two, what makes him so different?"

"Oh, well I wouldn't know where to start..." You pass your hand through your hair. "He's intimidating, but also a big softie. He's strong and dominating in mist of a battle but he's also sweet and gentle when it's something so simple as walking me home or carrying bags of sugar for me."

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