15. Trainee

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[Originally posted: 18/May/20]
[Edited: 09/Jan/22]

Katakuri continued his own training as usual. He raised the absurd amount of weights on each hand, concentrating on his short breaths with every flex before counting to one hundred. The mochi man huffs as he easily lowered the weights in their rightful spot. He's gonna need to find heavier objects soon, each day they're becoming easier and easier. A towel is thrown over his shoulder to dry out the sweat running down neck, a shower already marked on his mental 'to do list'. There was a knocking coming from the main door of his training room, most likely someone from the staff.
"Give me a second." He calls out, placing his scarf to cover his fangs.
The sweet commander answered the door to see three servants push a food cart inside the room, offering an array of donuts, water, fruits and the daily newspaper.
Naturally his attention landed directly to the pristine donuts served on the cart, but his eyes redirected themselves to the newspaper article with bold black letters.

The masked thief is dead. He read.

Or at least, that's as far as the media is concern was something he told himself. Katakuri killed the thief captain. That's what everyone in his family believed as the undeniable truth and they have no reason to doubt him.

Meanwhile at the white rocky island of Baltigo.

"Ma'am, I'm sorry but you can't go in there!" a man warns, in a pitiful attempt to stop the intruder. If only this intruder wasn't taller than him, pushing him aside with the flick of a wrist.

"Hello Dragon~" you walk inside the room uninvited.

The man himself was in the middle of his lunchtime, halfway eating a piece of meat with a fork and a knife. He raised his head from his plate to look at you, standing smug and unannounced in middle of his office.

"This is a surprise; I wasn't expecting visitors..." dragon said with a mouthful, swallowing the remains of his food in his mouth before speaking. "It's been a while (Y/n). Or should I call you Captain of the Moonlight Masked thieves...? wow, your title is more of a mouthful than my lunch." the revolutionary leader chuckles, wiping his mouth with a napkin.

"I appreciate the formality, but it's not necessary."

"Ma'am, I told you you're not allowed here!" the soldier from earlier scolded you, even though you are already bargain inside Dragon's office.

"Oh, what a shame..." you place a hand on your chest, pretending to act hurtful. "Then what am I supposed to do with a map of the sky islands above Mary Geoise?" you dangle the rolled piece of paper in front of the man.

Dragon stayed quiet, ordering the soldier in the room to leave and give you two some privacy.

The revolutionary sighs, crossing hims arms over his chest."I knew you would ask for something in exchange, what do you want (y/n)?" Dragon asks.

"I'm a simple woman." You chuckle, dropping the map on top of Dragon's desk. You pulled a chair from the side of the room, sitting on it backwards. "I know you're a busy man, handling a revolution and all, so I'll keep it short and simple. I want you to train me."

Dragon's reaction was amusing, to say the least. "We already trained you years ago when we took you in as a kid." he tossed his head back in laughter.

"You guys just trained me in marksmanship and basic combat." You pout, prodding the rolled up map with the tip of your finger.

"I remember it clearly, in fact you said and I quote-" you cough in your hand, puffing your chest in a macho way. "That one has impressive eye-hand coordination, give that child a gun." you imitate Dragon' s voice for a second, gaining another laugh from the man.

Pocket Thief [Katakuri x Reader]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon