3. Sweet Tea

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With a full stomach and a giant list of responsibilities waiting for him back home, Katakuri and a few members of the big mom pirates head back to Wheat Island via the ship docks. He's somewhat wary of the rain clouds hovering over him since he doesn't have a cloak, but knowing his perfect schedule, there's no doubt his mighty vessel is already docked at the port!

"This is unacceptable, my ship is never late." Katakuri stomps his foot against the plank walkway, staring down at the small man responsible for keeping tabs on the shipping schedule.

"Don't fret sweet commander Katakuri this is normal, especially with this weather," the man explains, holding a hand out to feel the raindrops from behind his little wooden station. "Your ship should enter the bay in a few minutes, it won't take long I assure you."

Katakuri grumbles under his breath, holding onto his vest which doesn't do much to protect him from growing sticky and wet. If his ship is close by then there's no point in walking back to the chateu, but standing in the rain isn't viable either since he'll grow sticky due to his devil-fruit. The sweet commander looks around before noticing a shop that's big enough for him, perfect for his height.

There's a ding of a bell the moment he enters, feeling much warmer in comparison to the cold humidity outside. He sniffs the air inside the shop, a bakery, it smells like sugar, crispbread and... burnt plastic? "Oh great, don't tell me this belongs to-" Katakuri raises a hand to his face, feeling that headache all over again.

"Sweet Commander Katakuri, what a suprise to see you again~" you greet the man from the other side of the shop.

Then again, maybe staying outside in the rain sounds more pleasant.

It hasn't been 5 seconds before the sweet commander turns around to leave, placing his hand on the door handle.

"Wait Katakuri-sama, don't tell me you'd rather stay outside than enjoy my company?" you snicker. "My baking isn't that bad, let me serve you a cup of warm tea or a bagel," you suggest

"I have no interest in your burnt pastries." he spats coldly but you just continue to stand there with a pondering expression.

"Two bagels?" you add.

The Charlotte is already opening the door, returning back to the rain until you speak up once more.

"It's cold outside, can I at least serve you a warm cup of tea?" you plead once more.

Katakuri tilts his head back to see you stare at him with those big ol' eyes, a look his younger siblings would pull off. "Fine." he sighs in defeat. A cup of tea does sound appealing in this weather, he thought.

You jump in glee when Katakuri decided to stay, taking a seat at the largest table next to the window. "I'll brew your tea faster than you can say Merengue!" you tie your hair in a bun, walking backward. "But only if you say it very slowly-" you add before running off into the kitchen.

Katakuri snorts at your ridiculous behavior. You're like a child inside the body of an adult.

He leans back in his chair, keeping an eye on the port from beyond the window, hoping his ship will arrive sooner before you set the whole building on fire again. With the raindrops pattering against the windows and the lack of a certain baker near him, Katakuri took this opportunity of peace to spare a thought for his siblings, the meeting, and the missing cargo from Biscuit Island. His mind went to his own Island, how this season he wants to harvest enough reserves in case mama has hunger pains. Eventually, his thoughts started drifting to his own life, how rarely anybody felt like a challenge to him anymore, Katakuri has been developing his observation haki on the sidelines that give him- Visions of sorts- but he hasn't had any reason to experiment them in a fight yet. In fact, just one attack is enough to obliterate any opponent, even his mere appearance can scare anyone.

Katakuri felt a nerve tick, everyone except...

His train of thought is interrupted by the clinking of porcelain plates, he removed his crimson eyes from the window to see you lowering a tea set in the middle of Katakuri's table.

"It's a blend I made myself, I hope you like it." you offer him a curtsy nod.

If you were able to see Katakuri's face there's no way you'd missed the grimace on his expression. If your donuts are burnt and inedible he didn't even want to imagine what your tea tastes like.

And even then, you continue to pour the contents in his cup without him asking.

"Drink up, It might get cold in this weather." you add, giving him a curious look.

The sweet commander eyed the tea suspiciously, refusing to taste a single drop, opting to wait for you to turn around so he could empty the whole thing in a potted plant, but you wouldn't leave!

Why won't you leave? What could you possibly want? Did you want to see his reaction?

The Sweet Commander snorts to himself, if you want proof that you're meant to quit this café business, then he'll give it to you.

Kata's fingers are too big to properly hold the tea by its handle, instead grabbing it like a normal cup. He caught a whiff from the steam, pleasant, but not enough to fully convince him. Katakuri met your expectant eyes before securing the teacup beneath his scarf and taking a sip, he catches on how you deflate a little. Secretly disappointed that he didn't remove his scarf.

However, Katakuri was met with the opposite of disappointed.

The tea's flavor left a tingling in his tongue long after he swallowed, finding it surprisingly enjoyable. It's strong, maybe it's because he forgot to pour sugar or honey, but it has the tiniest hint of leftover sweetness that isn't opaqued by the exaggerated amounts of sugar he tends to add.

The Sweet Commander is left speechless, taking another sip just to make sure he wasn't hallucinating.

"Do you like it-?" you ask, leaning forward on your tippy-toes.

"How... What kind of blend did you say this is?" Katakuri asks discreetly, trying to hide his surprise.

"It's a special mix I made some time ago. It's nothing special, just a few herbs I picked up from my previous travels since I don't usually stay in one spot-" you catch yourself from accidentally rambling, apparently the excitement got the best of you. "There's a leftover sweetness in your mouth, right? I let them ferment in fruit juice before serving, I'm not a big fan of tea because it leaves a bitter taste in my mouth."

At the mention of the juice, Katakuri licks his lips tentatively, there's indeed some sort of citrus in the mix. If his chefs could replicate that flavor, it would save him the time he uses to pour sugar in his tea until it's just right.

"You mean like citrus? Or pineapple?"

You playfully grin at his curiosity, lifting a finger in the air. "Nuh-uh, a magician never spills her secrets." you tease.

Katakuri frowns from under his scarf. Normally he wouldn't use his authority for something so insignificant, but considering the way you're looking at him, it's worth a try.

"I demand you to tell me." he says in a low, menacing tone, leaning forward in a way shadows cast over his eyes.

But that wasn't enough to break your smug grin. "I get you like my tea then~?" oh how you wanted to keep rubbing it in his face but there's a den den mushi ringing from within your kitchen, exciusing yourself to answer it.

Katakuri grunts to himself as you turn around to head back to the kitchen. He's annoyed that you have some sort of power over him by withholding the recipe, but not enough for him to arrest and force it out of you. At least you didn't stay long enough to make small talk with him. The sweet commander takes the last few drinks of the tea kettle as he looks through the window once more, the rain clearing up with every sip.


A/n: Plot twist, It's boiled Gatorade.

[Originally Uploaded on: 06/Dec/19]

[Re-Written: 15/Mar/21]

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